Pondering: Is Christ the Messiah of Israel or not?
“We gentile believers have not replaced Israel, but like the branches of a wild olive tree, we have been grafted in to share the rich…
Growing Young: Revitalising the church from the grassroots
The annual update from Youth Catalyst Ethan Miller for 2024.
Safe, healthy, robust leaders
The annual update from Leadership Co-ordination Director Karen Warner for 2024.
Five ways the Lord has blessed our college
The annual update from former Carey Baptist College Principal John Tucker for 2024.
Pondering: How should Christians respond to the recent conflict in the Middle East?
OPINION: A Christian Zionist perspective on the recent war in Gaza and the questions that have arisen about Israel’s response to the Hamas attack on…
Shaping the Baptist movement for future generations
The annual update from Operations and Finance Director Wayne Schache for 2024.
Nurturing Christ-like leaders and thriving faith communities
Our college has conducted an extensive strategic review.
Could your community project be eligible for Tindall Foundation funding?
Local Baptist churches are successfully applying to the Tindall Foundation Fund to run projects and courses that benefit their communities.
Accessing God’s power through corporate prayer
The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to us through prayer.
Youth ministry: Would your church pass the marshmallow test?
Youth ministry can be a frustratingly expensive long-term investment – but a necessary one if New Zealand’s Baptist movement is to survive.
Supporting our Baptist churches in their mission
The annual update from the General Director of Arotahi, Alan Jamieson, and the Chair of Mission Council and the Develop Together Board, Ruby Duncan, for…
Gospel renewal stories
The annual update from our National Leader, Charles Hewlett, for 2024.
Looking back and looking ahead: A New Year’s reflection
The thin space and sacred moment of New Year’s is the perfect time to look back, review our diaries, and remember how God has helped…
Daily Christmas Readings: Sunday 29 December to Monday 6 January
The final week of readings and prayers for Advent and through Christmas, provided by Arotahi, our missionary society.
The chaotic, random, and a bit wonky
A Christmas Day reflection…
Pondering: Are we selective when we talk about Gospel renewal and justice?
An opinion piece sharing a perspective on the war in Gaza.
Daily Advent Readings: Sunday 22 December to Saturday 28 December
The fourth week of readings and prayers for Advent, provided by Arotahi, our missionary society.
Introducing Allan Taylor, 2025 President of the Baptist Union
Allan Taylor will focus on pastors and prayer in his term as President of the Baptist Union.
National Council meeting December 2024
Reports from subcommittees | Strategic direction setting | National Leader search process | Meeting with Te Whāriki
Call for expressions of interest: Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry Response Group
We (Baptist churches) are establishing a group to ensure the action we take is thorough and well informed.
Phil Halstead: Titus 2:11-15
Phil’s sermon explores the role of mentors and epiphanies in people’s lives.
What’s going on, and where do we stand?
We’ve heard political voices and social media voices, but what might a Christian response to this topic be? As Katharine Hayhoe explains, we face not…
Katie Cuttriss: Titus 2:1-10
Does our character and our actions give witness to the beauty of the gospel? Paul uses the model of a Godly household for missional living…
Paul Windsor: 2 Timothy 4:1-22
In these verses, we see that the apostle Paul carries many people in his heart. We look into the nature of his relationships and how…
Church and the climate crisis: About the series
As we hear daily reports of a changing environment and concerning future scenarios, many Christians are asking what the church's response will be. In this…
John Tucker: 2 Timothy 2:14-26
Open up a scripture that helps us to understand who we are as servants of Jesus and what it means to be emboldened and engaged…
Dan Cuttriss: 2 Timothy 2:1-13
Remain faithful to the work of the gospel, be strong, embrace suffering, have hope.

Elijah Brown: The work of Jesus
Baptist World Alliance Chief Executive Elijah Brown shares stories of Baptists living out kingdom courage and compassion in places of war, persecution and extreme hunger.
Nicola Mountfort Griffiths: 2 Timothy 1:1-18
In Paul’s last letter to Timothy, he urges him to keep going even though it’s tough and rekindle the fire of the Holy Spirit so…

Bill Dewar: Serving those who serve
Military chaplain Bill Dewar came reluctantly to faith but has obeyed God's call on his life ever since. In this episode, he talks about why…

Season 3 Finale, with Special Guests
As we close out 2024, we’ve got a couple of special guests commenting on what stood from the last year or so of episodes. Have…

Susan Osborne: What I learned as your President
After 45 busy years with the New Zealand Baptist Missionary Society (Arotahi), Susan Osborne thought she'd take things easy. But God had other ideas...In this…
Sam Kilpatrick: Titus 1
The church leader, Titus, is left behind on the island of Crete to help the quickly expanding local gatherings of ‘The Way’ seek good leadership.…

Greg Morris: My biggest battle
Oxford Baptist Church pastor Greg Morris talks about how our extraordinary God uses ordinary people (like him) to fulfil His mission.
The heart of the pastor
As we wrap up the year, John Tucker opens up about his love for pastoral ministry. We pray that listening to John's heartfelt reflections will inspire…
Gospel Impact Labs
Justice, mercy and humility form the framework for a new initiative at National Hui: Gospel Impact Labs. Hear about ten different labs where delegates can…

The power of young voices: Shaping our future, with Sarah Finlay Robinson
With the reality of less and less children and young people in our churches, perhaps it is time to listen to those who work directly…
The pastor as a child of God
We explore the vital connection between our relationship with God and the pressures of pastoral leadership. Join us as Luke shares his story of how…
Te Rongopai maa te tangata me ngaa waahi
The 2024 annual report from Luke Kaa-Morgan, Te Pouarataki mō te Hīkoi on behalf of Baptist Māori and Te Whāriki.
Gospel renewal stories
The 2024 annual report from Charles Hewlett, National Leader of the Baptist Union of New Zealand.
Growing Young: Revitalising the church from the grassroots
The 2024 annual report from Ethan Miller, Youth Catalyst at the Baptist National Support Centre.
Love as Jesus does
The 2024 annual report for the Waikato and Bay of Plenty and Eastland Baptist Associations, by Regional Leader Peter Foster.
Towards being a biblical whānau of faith communities
The 2024 annual report for the Northern Baptist Association by Regional Leader Reti Ah-Voa.
Associating can be so enriching
The annual report for the Upper South Baptist Association from Regional Leader Chris Chamberlain.
Acknowledgement of Baptist Women
An acknowledgement of the negative experiences of some women in our movement. A lament in te reo Māori, Gagana Samoan and Faka-Tonga, and a response…
Hui 2023: Word | Matthew 28:18-20
Cliff Thompson brings the Word from Matthew 28:18-20, encouraging us to go boldly after what God has called us to. When we are lost-people-centric, this…
Hui 2023: Word | Ruth
Lucy Talsma brings the Word from the book of Ruth. Ruth demonstrates the sacrifice in kindness. One of the boldest things we can do is…
Hui 2023: Word | Acts 13 1-3
Eduardo Mendonca brings the Word from Acts 13:1-3. Here we find the church had an ongoing practice of worshiping and seeking the presence of God…
Encounter at the well
This woman has a story to tell! Leaning on research about first-century marriage in Palestine, plus a touch of creative license, we hear from the…
Our true hero
Who is Jesus Christ? Why is he so incredible? This message seeks to answer those questions by examining Jesus’ encounter with three of his close…
God’s acts of the Spirit as God’s love for the world
Walking through Acts 8:26-40, we look at how the Spirit is involved throughout the story of the pursuit and inclusion of the Ethiopian eunuch. In…
Parable of the dishonest manager
What can we learn about Shrewdness and wealth?
Good news for all people
Grace comes to the most unlikely people. Don’t miss it.
When violence meets Jesus
What does encountering Jesus mean for our part in His mission amidst the violence of our hearts and our world?
Jesus, a Lawyer, and a Good Samaritan
Jesus’ stories always contain an element of surprise. His story of the loving Samaritan is certainly shocking. Shocking, of course, because it shows this supposed…

The housing and cost of living crisis: understanding issues and responses
The cost of living and housing crisis is having a significant and ongoing impact on individuals, families, and communities. The issues involved are complex and…

Baptist Hui-ā-Māori 2023
This video is a Zoom recording to all Baptist Māori by Josie Te Kahu, Leonnie Motu, Ray Totorewa, Matt Renata – of Te Kapa Rautaki,…
The tiny kingdom
Matthew 13:31-33. Do we have eyes to see the small, yet significant things that God is doing? Tim Hart is pastor at Māngere Bridge Baptist…
Numbering our days aright
Psalm 90. This sermon explores the life-giving biblical theme of being cognisant of the fragility of life. Phil Halstead is Lecturer: Pastoral Care at Carey…
Beautiful Feet
Romans 10: 13-15; Luke 7:36-50. Nicola reflects on the beautiful feet of Jesus, and the beauty of the feet of those who have shared the…
“Our Father”: on learning to pray
Luke 11:1-2 (Matt 6:9). The two words with which the Lord’s Prayer begins contain the sum of the Gospel. If we can hear afresh the…
Very Good News
Isaiah 52:7; 2 Kings 6:8-23. Gospel—as Christians, it’s one of our most treasured words. But what do we mean by it? We know it means…
To love as Jesus loved
John 13:31-35. In washing his disciples’ feet, Jesus gave them a picture of his forgiveness of them. Then he gave them a new commandment: to…
The wise king’s request
1 Kings 3:5-14. There can be no justice without wisdom. Grace Paddison is a 2022 Carey Baptist College Youth Pastoral Leadership graduate and is at…
Praying confidently thanks to Jesus' priesthood
Hebrews 4:14-16, 7:23-25, 9:11, 10:19-23. Jesus is both our high priest and perfect sacrifice who intercedes for us in the heavenly realms. By taking a closer…

Spectacular Jesus
When was the last time New Zealand Baptists wept?Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything…
Spectacular Calling
Why is it worth giving your life to Christian ministry? Presented by John Tucker. As Principal of Carey Baptist College, John leads the college. With…
Spectacular Church
"This is what the Lord says - he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, who drew out the…
The chaotic, random, and a bit wonky
A Christmas Day reflection…
Salt of the earth: Salty people
Transitioning into a new season, Kev acknowledges four remarkable 'salt' people in his final 'Salt of the Earth'.
Waiheke Island women’s conference
Women from churches on the island and in Auckland gather for fellowship and encouragement.
A worldwide webinar by the Global Baptist Network: The Great Commission – Lessons from Lausanne
A webinar on Missional Trends in the 21st Century, Mission to the Workplace, Evangelism and Discipleship, Megacity and Urban Centres, The Persecuted and the Suffering…
Gospel Impact Lab: Empowering young people
At our upcoming National Hui, delegates can create a tool our local Baptist churches can use to equip young people to be disciples of and…
Volunteers – empowered and engaged
Here’s what mainly Ministries has learned over 35 years. We hope it inspires and equips you.
The Lord’s Prayer in te Reo Māori
This ‘Try-lingual’ version of the Lord's Prayer is designed to be read in English and te Reo Māori, with actions to make it all-age friendly.
Kupu for your kete: Resources for Māori Language Week
Helpful online language resources for learning and celebrating te Reo Māori.
From the President: August in Auckland and Northland
Susan shares encouragements found in her visits to Baptist churches in Auckland and Northland.
Salt of the earth: A normal household
A childhood encounter with a conflicted fisherman shows the difference between tasting that the Lord is good and taking refuge in him.
Baptist Student Network: Connecting, supporting Christian students
The Baptist Student Network helps connect our young people into Baptist churches in other cities and offers accommodation and support.
From the President: Being Baptist – better together
Susan’s highlights from the five regional hui this year.
Winners of the Baptist NZ photo competition 2024
We’re delighted to announce the winners! They tell us about their photos and the local ministries they chose to split their prize with.
Deeper into the heart of God
Women share their transformational experiences seeking God together at retreats hosted at Baptist Churches across New Zealand.
Justice mercy humility: 6–9 November
Register now for the 2024 Baptist National Hui. The theme is justice, mercy, and humility. Here’s what you can look forward to.
Salt of the earth: All welcome
A story of coming face to face with what 'all welcome' means...
Israel and Palestine: Twenty-one questions, epilogue
Who are Palestinians and what about their land claims? (one final question)…
Exploring faith formation
Why do people become Christians? Why did you? A call for research participants.
From the President: The stories of our ethnic congregations
A reflection on the questions, challenges, and approaches our Baptist family of different cultures have and the need to learn from them.
Powerful Kiwi documentary reveals lives transformed
Mana Atua – The Power of God is a compelling Christian feature documentary about transformed lives in Aotearoa.
Phil Halstead: Titus 2:11-15
Phil’s sermon explores the role of mentors and epiphanies in people’s lives.
What’s going on, and where do we stand?
We’ve heard political voices and social media voices, but what might a Christian response to this topic be? As Katharine Hayhoe explains, we face not…
Katie Cuttriss: Titus 2:1-10
Does our character and our actions give witness to the beauty of the gospel? Paul uses the model of a Godly household for missional living…
Paul Windsor: 2 Timothy 4:1-22
In these verses, we see that the apostle Paul carries many people in his heart. We look into the nature of his relationships and how…
Church and the climate crisis: About the series
As we hear daily reports of a changing environment and concerning future scenarios, many Christians are asking what the church's response will be. In this…
John Tucker: 2 Timothy 2:14-26
Open up a scripture that helps us to understand who we are as servants of Jesus and what it means to be emboldened and engaged…
Dan Cuttriss: 2 Timothy 2:1-13
Remain faithful to the work of the gospel, be strong, embrace suffering, have hope.

Elijah Brown: The work of Jesus
Baptist World Alliance Chief Executive Elijah Brown shares stories of Baptists living out kingdom courage and compassion in places of war, persecution and extreme hunger.
Nicola Mountfort Griffiths: 2 Timothy 1:1-18
In Paul’s last letter to Timothy, he urges him to keep going even though it’s tough and rekindle the fire of the Holy Spirit so…

Bill Dewar: Serving those who serve
Military chaplain Bill Dewar came reluctantly to faith but has obeyed God's call on his life ever since. In this episode, he talks about why…

Season 3 Finale, with Special Guests
As we close out 2024, we’ve got a couple of special guests commenting on what stood from the last year or so of episodes. Have…

Susan Osborne: What I learned as your President
After 45 busy years with the New Zealand Baptist Missionary Society (Arotahi), Susan Osborne thought she'd take things easy. But God had other ideas...In this…
Sam Kilpatrick: Titus 1
The church leader, Titus, is left behind on the island of Crete to help the quickly expanding local gatherings of ‘The Way’ seek good leadership.…

Greg Morris: My biggest battle
Oxford Baptist Church pastor Greg Morris talks about how our extraordinary God uses ordinary people (like him) to fulfil His mission.
The heart of the pastor
As we wrap up the year, John Tucker opens up about his love for pastoral ministry. We pray that listening to John's heartfelt reflections will inspire…
Gospel Impact Labs
Justice, mercy and humility form the framework for a new initiative at National Hui: Gospel Impact Labs. Hear about ten different labs where delegates can…

The power of young voices: Shaping our future, with Sarah Finlay Robinson
With the reality of less and less children and young people in our churches, perhaps it is time to listen to those who work directly…
The pastor as a child of God
We explore the vital connection between our relationship with God and the pressures of pastoral leadership. Join us as Luke shares his story of how…
Te Rongopai maa te tangata me ngaa waahi
The 2024 annual report from Luke Kaa-Morgan, Te Pouarataki mō te Hīkoi on behalf of Baptist Māori and Te Whāriki.
Gospel renewal stories
The 2024 annual report from Charles Hewlett, National Leader of the Baptist Union of New Zealand.
Growing Young: Revitalising the church from the grassroots
The 2024 annual report from Ethan Miller, Youth Catalyst at the Baptist National Support Centre.
Love as Jesus does
The 2024 annual report for the Waikato and Bay of Plenty and Eastland Baptist Associations, by Regional Leader Peter Foster.
Towards being a biblical whānau of faith communities
The 2024 annual report for the Northern Baptist Association by Regional Leader Reti Ah-Voa.
Associating can be so enriching
The annual report for the Upper South Baptist Association from Regional Leader Chris Chamberlain.
Acknowledgement of Baptist Women
An acknowledgement of the negative experiences of some women in our movement. A lament in te reo Māori, Gagana Samoan and Faka-Tonga, and a response…
Hui 2023: Word | Matthew 28:18-20
Cliff Thompson brings the Word from Matthew 28:18-20, encouraging us to go boldly after what God has called us to. When we are lost-people-centric, this…
Hui 2023: Word | Ruth
Lucy Talsma brings the Word from the book of Ruth. Ruth demonstrates the sacrifice in kindness. One of the boldest things we can do is…
Hui 2023: Word | Acts 13 1-3
Eduardo Mendonca brings the Word from Acts 13:1-3. Here we find the church had an ongoing practice of worshiping and seeking the presence of God…
Encounter at the well
This woman has a story to tell! Leaning on research about first-century marriage in Palestine, plus a touch of creative license, we hear from the…
Our true hero
Who is Jesus Christ? Why is he so incredible? This message seeks to answer those questions by examining Jesus’ encounter with three of his close…
God’s acts of the Spirit as God’s love for the world
Walking through Acts 8:26-40, we look at how the Spirit is involved throughout the story of the pursuit and inclusion of the Ethiopian eunuch. In…
Parable of the dishonest manager
What can we learn about Shrewdness and wealth?
Good news for all people
Grace comes to the most unlikely people. Don’t miss it.
When violence meets Jesus
What does encountering Jesus mean for our part in His mission amidst the violence of our hearts and our world?
Jesus, a Lawyer, and a Good Samaritan
Jesus’ stories always contain an element of surprise. His story of the loving Samaritan is certainly shocking. Shocking, of course, because it shows this supposed…

The housing and cost of living crisis: understanding issues and responses
The cost of living and housing crisis is having a significant and ongoing impact on individuals, families, and communities. The issues involved are complex and…

Baptist Hui-ā-Māori 2023
This video is a Zoom recording to all Baptist Māori by Josie Te Kahu, Leonnie Motu, Ray Totorewa, Matt Renata – of Te Kapa Rautaki,…
The tiny kingdom
Matthew 13:31-33. Do we have eyes to see the small, yet significant things that God is doing? Tim Hart is pastor at Māngere Bridge Baptist…
Numbering our days aright
Psalm 90. This sermon explores the life-giving biblical theme of being cognisant of the fragility of life. Phil Halstead is Lecturer: Pastoral Care at Carey…
Beautiful Feet
Romans 10: 13-15; Luke 7:36-50. Nicola reflects on the beautiful feet of Jesus, and the beauty of the feet of those who have shared the…
“Our Father”: on learning to pray
Luke 11:1-2 (Matt 6:9). The two words with which the Lord’s Prayer begins contain the sum of the Gospel. If we can hear afresh the…
Very Good News
Isaiah 52:7; 2 Kings 6:8-23. Gospel—as Christians, it’s one of our most treasured words. But what do we mean by it? We know it means…
To love as Jesus loved
John 13:31-35. In washing his disciples’ feet, Jesus gave them a picture of his forgiveness of them. Then he gave them a new commandment: to…
The wise king’s request
1 Kings 3:5-14. There can be no justice without wisdom. Grace Paddison is a 2022 Carey Baptist College Youth Pastoral Leadership graduate and is at…
Praying confidently thanks to Jesus' priesthood
Hebrews 4:14-16, 7:23-25, 9:11, 10:19-23. Jesus is both our high priest and perfect sacrifice who intercedes for us in the heavenly realms. By taking a closer…

Spectacular Jesus
When was the last time New Zealand Baptists wept?Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything…
Spectacular Calling
Why is it worth giving your life to Christian ministry? Presented by John Tucker. As Principal of Carey Baptist College, John leads the college. With…
Spectacular Church
"This is what the Lord says - he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, who drew out the…
Growing Young: Revitalising the church from the grassroots
The annual update from Youth Catalyst Ethan Miller for 2024.
Shaping the Baptist movement for future generations
The annual update from Operations and Finance Director Wayne Schache for 2024.
Could your community project be eligible for Tindall Foundation funding?
Local Baptist churches are successfully applying to the Tindall Foundation Fund to run projects and courses that benefit their communities.
Supporting our Baptist churches in their mission
The annual update from the General Director of Arotahi, Alan Jamieson, and the Chair of Mission Council and the Develop Together Board, Ruby Duncan, for…
Gospel renewal stories
The annual update from our National Leader, Charles Hewlett, for 2024.
Daily Christmas Readings: Sunday 29 December to Monday 6 January
The final week of readings and prayers for Advent and through Christmas, provided by Arotahi, our missionary society.
Pondering: Are we selective when we talk about Gospel renewal and justice?
An opinion piece sharing a perspective on the war in Gaza.
Daily Advent Readings: Sunday 22 December to Saturday 28 December
The fourth week of readings and prayers for Advent, provided by Arotahi, our missionary society.
How to make a submission on the Treaty Principles Bill
Submissions close 7 January. Here are some resources to help you learn more about Te Tiriti and show you how to make your submissions.
Being people of justice and peace
A space for Young Adults to connect and listen to God's voice on matters of justice found in scripture.
Pondering: Why I don’t support the Treaty of Waitangi Principles Bill
The Treaty of Waitangi Principles Bill could have far-reaching negative implications for New Zealand’s social fabric, says Dave Tims.
100 years of heyday: Baptist Women’s Missionary Union
A history of women bringing vigour and passion to New Zealand Baptist missions.
Hui 2024 roundup
A roundup of what happened at the Baptist National Hui 2024: events, decisions and outcomes.
Gospel Impact Lab: Welcome the stranger in our midst
At our upcoming National Hui, delegates can create a tool our local Baptist churches can use to be even more welcoming to different ethnicities.
Gospel Impact Lab: Good stewardship
At our upcoming National Hui, delegates can create a tool our local Baptist churches can use to effectively steward their assets for gospel renewal.
Gospel Impact Lab: Power of prayer
At our upcoming National Hui, delegates can create a tool our local Baptist churches can use to bring the power of prayer to the heart…
Gospel Impact Lab: Church and the climate crisis – moving from talk to action
At our upcoming National Hui, delegates can look for solutions together for how Baptist churches can move to action in a world affected by the…
Gospel Impact Lab: Sharing our faith effectively
At our upcoming National Hui, delegates can create a tool our local Baptist churches can use to become even more effective in talking to others…
Pray for our media on Sunday 27 October
Join a live-streamed event supporting people working in our media industry in New Zealand and worldwide.
Gospel Impact Lab: Community impact
At our upcoming National Hui, delegates can create a tool our local Baptist churches can use to become even more authentic and effective in engaging…
Phil Halstead: Titus 2:11-15
Phil’s sermon explores the role of mentors and epiphanies in people’s lives.
What’s going on, and where do we stand?
We’ve heard political voices and social media voices, but what might a Christian response to this topic be? As Katharine Hayhoe explains, we face not…
Katie Cuttriss: Titus 2:1-10
Does our character and our actions give witness to the beauty of the gospel? Paul uses the model of a Godly household for missional living…
Paul Windsor: 2 Timothy 4:1-22
In these verses, we see that the apostle Paul carries many people in his heart. We look into the nature of his relationships and how…
Church and the climate crisis: About the series
As we hear daily reports of a changing environment and concerning future scenarios, many Christians are asking what the church's response will be. In this…
John Tucker: 2 Timothy 2:14-26
Open up a scripture that helps us to understand who we are as servants of Jesus and what it means to be emboldened and engaged…
Dan Cuttriss: 2 Timothy 2:1-13
Remain faithful to the work of the gospel, be strong, embrace suffering, have hope.

Elijah Brown: The work of Jesus
Baptist World Alliance Chief Executive Elijah Brown shares stories of Baptists living out kingdom courage and compassion in places of war, persecution and extreme hunger.
Nicola Mountfort Griffiths: 2 Timothy 1:1-18
In Paul’s last letter to Timothy, he urges him to keep going even though it’s tough and rekindle the fire of the Holy Spirit so…

Bill Dewar: Serving those who serve
Military chaplain Bill Dewar came reluctantly to faith but has obeyed God's call on his life ever since. In this episode, he talks about why…

Season 3 Finale, with Special Guests
As we close out 2024, we’ve got a couple of special guests commenting on what stood from the last year or so of episodes. Have…

Susan Osborne: What I learned as your President
After 45 busy years with the New Zealand Baptist Missionary Society (Arotahi), Susan Osborne thought she'd take things easy. But God had other ideas...In this…
Sam Kilpatrick: Titus 1
The church leader, Titus, is left behind on the island of Crete to help the quickly expanding local gatherings of ‘The Way’ seek good leadership.…

Greg Morris: My biggest battle
Oxford Baptist Church pastor Greg Morris talks about how our extraordinary God uses ordinary people (like him) to fulfil His mission.
The heart of the pastor
As we wrap up the year, John Tucker opens up about his love for pastoral ministry. We pray that listening to John's heartfelt reflections will inspire…
Gospel Impact Labs
Justice, mercy and humility form the framework for a new initiative at National Hui: Gospel Impact Labs. Hear about ten different labs where delegates can…

The power of young voices: Shaping our future, with Sarah Finlay Robinson
With the reality of less and less children and young people in our churches, perhaps it is time to listen to those who work directly…
The pastor as a child of God
We explore the vital connection between our relationship with God and the pressures of pastoral leadership. Join us as Luke shares his story of how…
Te Rongopai maa te tangata me ngaa waahi
The 2024 annual report from Luke Kaa-Morgan, Te Pouarataki mō te Hīkoi on behalf of Baptist Māori and Te Whāriki.
Gospel renewal stories
The 2024 annual report from Charles Hewlett, National Leader of the Baptist Union of New Zealand.
Growing Young: Revitalising the church from the grassroots
The 2024 annual report from Ethan Miller, Youth Catalyst at the Baptist National Support Centre.
Love as Jesus does
The 2024 annual report for the Waikato and Bay of Plenty and Eastland Baptist Associations, by Regional Leader Peter Foster.
Towards being a biblical whānau of faith communities
The 2024 annual report for the Northern Baptist Association by Regional Leader Reti Ah-Voa.
Associating can be so enriching
The annual report for the Upper South Baptist Association from Regional Leader Chris Chamberlain.
Acknowledgement of Baptist Women
An acknowledgement of the negative experiences of some women in our movement. A lament in te reo Māori, Gagana Samoan and Faka-Tonga, and a response…
Hui 2023: Word | Matthew 28:18-20
Cliff Thompson brings the Word from Matthew 28:18-20, encouraging us to go boldly after what God has called us to. When we are lost-people-centric, this…
Hui 2023: Word | Ruth
Lucy Talsma brings the Word from the book of Ruth. Ruth demonstrates the sacrifice in kindness. One of the boldest things we can do is…
Hui 2023: Word | Acts 13 1-3
Eduardo Mendonca brings the Word from Acts 13:1-3. Here we find the church had an ongoing practice of worshiping and seeking the presence of God…
Encounter at the well
This woman has a story to tell! Leaning on research about first-century marriage in Palestine, plus a touch of creative license, we hear from the…
Our true hero
Who is Jesus Christ? Why is he so incredible? This message seeks to answer those questions by examining Jesus’ encounter with three of his close…
God’s acts of the Spirit as God’s love for the world
Walking through Acts 8:26-40, we look at how the Spirit is involved throughout the story of the pursuit and inclusion of the Ethiopian eunuch. In…
Parable of the dishonest manager
What can we learn about Shrewdness and wealth?
Good news for all people
Grace comes to the most unlikely people. Don’t miss it.
When violence meets Jesus
What does encountering Jesus mean for our part in His mission amidst the violence of our hearts and our world?
Jesus, a Lawyer, and a Good Samaritan
Jesus’ stories always contain an element of surprise. His story of the loving Samaritan is certainly shocking. Shocking, of course, because it shows this supposed…

The housing and cost of living crisis: understanding issues and responses
The cost of living and housing crisis is having a significant and ongoing impact on individuals, families, and communities. The issues involved are complex and…

Baptist Hui-ā-Māori 2023
This video is a Zoom recording to all Baptist Māori by Josie Te Kahu, Leonnie Motu, Ray Totorewa, Matt Renata – of Te Kapa Rautaki,…
The tiny kingdom
Matthew 13:31-33. Do we have eyes to see the small, yet significant things that God is doing? Tim Hart is pastor at Māngere Bridge Baptist…
Numbering our days aright
Psalm 90. This sermon explores the life-giving biblical theme of being cognisant of the fragility of life. Phil Halstead is Lecturer: Pastoral Care at Carey…
Beautiful Feet
Romans 10: 13-15; Luke 7:36-50. Nicola reflects on the beautiful feet of Jesus, and the beauty of the feet of those who have shared the…
“Our Father”: on learning to pray
Luke 11:1-2 (Matt 6:9). The two words with which the Lord’s Prayer begins contain the sum of the Gospel. If we can hear afresh the…
Very Good News
Isaiah 52:7; 2 Kings 6:8-23. Gospel—as Christians, it’s one of our most treasured words. But what do we mean by it? We know it means…
To love as Jesus loved
John 13:31-35. In washing his disciples’ feet, Jesus gave them a picture of his forgiveness of them. Then he gave them a new commandment: to…
The wise king’s request
1 Kings 3:5-14. There can be no justice without wisdom. Grace Paddison is a 2022 Carey Baptist College Youth Pastoral Leadership graduate and is at…
Praying confidently thanks to Jesus' priesthood
Hebrews 4:14-16, 7:23-25, 9:11, 10:19-23. Jesus is both our high priest and perfect sacrifice who intercedes for us in the heavenly realms. By taking a closer…

Spectacular Jesus
When was the last time New Zealand Baptists wept?Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything…
Spectacular Calling
Why is it worth giving your life to Christian ministry? Presented by John Tucker. As Principal of Carey Baptist College, John leads the college. With…
Spectacular Church
"This is what the Lord says - he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, who drew out the…
Safe, healthy, robust leaders
The annual update from Leadership Co-ordination Director Karen Warner for 2024.
Five ways the Lord has blessed our college
The annual update from former Carey Baptist College Principal John Tucker for 2024.
Nurturing Christ-like leaders and thriving faith communities
Our college has conducted an extensive strategic review.
Youth ministry: Would your church pass the marshmallow test?
Youth ministry can be a frustratingly expensive long-term investment – but a necessary one if New Zealand’s Baptist movement is to survive.
Introducing Allan Taylor, 2025 President of the Baptist Union
Allan Taylor will focus on pastors and prayer in his term as President of the Baptist Union.
National Council meeting December 2024
Reports from subcommittees | Strategic direction setting | National Leader search process | Meeting with Te Whāriki
Call for expressions of interest: Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry Response Group
We (Baptist churches) are establishing a group to ensure the action we take is thorough and well informed.
Principal: Expressions of interest
We are at the beginning of the process for recruiting a new Principal for Carey Baptist College.
‘Tis the season…for Baptist Registrations!
At our National Hui last month, we celebrated 36 people becoming fully registered pastors, chaplains, kaiārahi Māori, ministry/mission and Baptist entity leaders.
Word and World: The preaching ministry of J.J. North
J.J. North, arguably the most influential leader in the history of New Zealand’s Baptist movement, helped shape New Zealand Baptist identity and convictions in the…
An update relating to Clause 36 and Section 4.5
The final additions to the Governance and Constitution Review and Serious Misconduct Process documentation ahead of our Annual National Hui on 6-9 November.
Gospel Impact Lab: Develop leaders
At our upcoming National Hui delegates can help create a tool for local Baptist churches to identify, unleash and champion the leaders within them.
Assembly Council meeting October 2024
The Constitutional Review | Beginning the process for appointing a new National Leader | Te Whāriki as the governing body of Te Rununga (the gathering…
Arotahi update: What’s happening in Bangladesh
An update on Arotahi’s relationship with, and presence in, Bangladesh.
Changes ahead for John Tucker and Carey
Change is ahead for both Dr John Tucker, our college Principal, and Carey Baptist College.
Baptist Polity and a Serious Misconduct Policy
The proposals redefine aspects of local church responsibility, but do not threaten it on any fundamental questions.
Assembly Council Meeting August 2024
Discussing our next ‘bite’: how we find and train our future pastoral leaders, constitutional reviews, extending the Assembly Council term, the new campus for Carey,…
Churches engaging with their Church Life Survey results
How might a church use and learn from this data?
New Dean of Faculty
Our college’s lecturer in systematic theology, Christa McKirland, has been appointed Dean of Faculty.
Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry: Whanaketia
Yesterday, the final Royal Commission of Inquiry report into abuse in state and faith-based care was released…
Phil Halstead: Titus 2:11-15
Phil’s sermon explores the role of mentors and epiphanies in people’s lives.
What’s going on, and where do we stand?
We’ve heard political voices and social media voices, but what might a Christian response to this topic be? As Katharine Hayhoe explains, we face not…
Katie Cuttriss: Titus 2:1-10
Does our character and our actions give witness to the beauty of the gospel? Paul uses the model of a Godly household for missional living…
Paul Windsor: 2 Timothy 4:1-22
In these verses, we see that the apostle Paul carries many people in his heart. We look into the nature of his relationships and how…
Church and the climate crisis: About the series
As we hear daily reports of a changing environment and concerning future scenarios, many Christians are asking what the church's response will be. In this…
John Tucker: 2 Timothy 2:14-26
Open up a scripture that helps us to understand who we are as servants of Jesus and what it means to be emboldened and engaged…
Dan Cuttriss: 2 Timothy 2:1-13
Remain faithful to the work of the gospel, be strong, embrace suffering, have hope.

Elijah Brown: The work of Jesus
Baptist World Alliance Chief Executive Elijah Brown shares stories of Baptists living out kingdom courage and compassion in places of war, persecution and extreme hunger.
Nicola Mountfort Griffiths: 2 Timothy 1:1-18
In Paul’s last letter to Timothy, he urges him to keep going even though it’s tough and rekindle the fire of the Holy Spirit so…

Bill Dewar: Serving those who serve
Military chaplain Bill Dewar came reluctantly to faith but has obeyed God's call on his life ever since. In this episode, he talks about why…

Season 3 Finale, with Special Guests
As we close out 2024, we’ve got a couple of special guests commenting on what stood from the last year or so of episodes. Have…

Susan Osborne: What I learned as your President
After 45 busy years with the New Zealand Baptist Missionary Society (Arotahi), Susan Osborne thought she'd take things easy. But God had other ideas...In this…
Sam Kilpatrick: Titus 1
The church leader, Titus, is left behind on the island of Crete to help the quickly expanding local gatherings of ‘The Way’ seek good leadership.…

Greg Morris: My biggest battle
Oxford Baptist Church pastor Greg Morris talks about how our extraordinary God uses ordinary people (like him) to fulfil His mission.
The heart of the pastor
As we wrap up the year, John Tucker opens up about his love for pastoral ministry. We pray that listening to John's heartfelt reflections will inspire…
Gospel Impact Labs
Justice, mercy and humility form the framework for a new initiative at National Hui: Gospel Impact Labs. Hear about ten different labs where delegates can…

The power of young voices: Shaping our future, with Sarah Finlay Robinson
With the reality of less and less children and young people in our churches, perhaps it is time to listen to those who work directly…
The pastor as a child of God
We explore the vital connection between our relationship with God and the pressures of pastoral leadership. Join us as Luke shares his story of how…
Te Rongopai maa te tangata me ngaa waahi
The 2024 annual report from Luke Kaa-Morgan, Te Pouarataki mō te Hīkoi on behalf of Baptist Māori and Te Whāriki.
Gospel renewal stories
The 2024 annual report from Charles Hewlett, National Leader of the Baptist Union of New Zealand.
Growing Young: Revitalising the church from the grassroots
The 2024 annual report from Ethan Miller, Youth Catalyst at the Baptist National Support Centre.
Love as Jesus does
The 2024 annual report for the Waikato and Bay of Plenty and Eastland Baptist Associations, by Regional Leader Peter Foster.
Towards being a biblical whānau of faith communities
The 2024 annual report for the Northern Baptist Association by Regional Leader Reti Ah-Voa.
Associating can be so enriching
The annual report for the Upper South Baptist Association from Regional Leader Chris Chamberlain.
Acknowledgement of Baptist Women
An acknowledgement of the negative experiences of some women in our movement. A lament in te reo Māori, Gagana Samoan and Faka-Tonga, and a response…
Hui 2023: Word | Matthew 28:18-20
Cliff Thompson brings the Word from Matthew 28:18-20, encouraging us to go boldly after what God has called us to. When we are lost-people-centric, this…
Hui 2023: Word | Ruth
Lucy Talsma brings the Word from the book of Ruth. Ruth demonstrates the sacrifice in kindness. One of the boldest things we can do is…
Hui 2023: Word | Acts 13 1-3
Eduardo Mendonca brings the Word from Acts 13:1-3. Here we find the church had an ongoing practice of worshiping and seeking the presence of God…
Encounter at the well
This woman has a story to tell! Leaning on research about first-century marriage in Palestine, plus a touch of creative license, we hear from the…
Our true hero
Who is Jesus Christ? Why is he so incredible? This message seeks to answer those questions by examining Jesus’ encounter with three of his close…
God’s acts of the Spirit as God’s love for the world
Walking through Acts 8:26-40, we look at how the Spirit is involved throughout the story of the pursuit and inclusion of the Ethiopian eunuch. In…
Parable of the dishonest manager
What can we learn about Shrewdness and wealth?
Good news for all people
Grace comes to the most unlikely people. Don’t miss it.
When violence meets Jesus
What does encountering Jesus mean for our part in His mission amidst the violence of our hearts and our world?
Jesus, a Lawyer, and a Good Samaritan
Jesus’ stories always contain an element of surprise. His story of the loving Samaritan is certainly shocking. Shocking, of course, because it shows this supposed…

The housing and cost of living crisis: understanding issues and responses
The cost of living and housing crisis is having a significant and ongoing impact on individuals, families, and communities. The issues involved are complex and…

Baptist Hui-ā-Māori 2023
This video is a Zoom recording to all Baptist Māori by Josie Te Kahu, Leonnie Motu, Ray Totorewa, Matt Renata – of Te Kapa Rautaki,…
The tiny kingdom
Matthew 13:31-33. Do we have eyes to see the small, yet significant things that God is doing? Tim Hart is pastor at Māngere Bridge Baptist…
Numbering our days aright
Psalm 90. This sermon explores the life-giving biblical theme of being cognisant of the fragility of life. Phil Halstead is Lecturer: Pastoral Care at Carey…
Beautiful Feet
Romans 10: 13-15; Luke 7:36-50. Nicola reflects on the beautiful feet of Jesus, and the beauty of the feet of those who have shared the…
“Our Father”: on learning to pray
Luke 11:1-2 (Matt 6:9). The two words with which the Lord’s Prayer begins contain the sum of the Gospel. If we can hear afresh the…
Very Good News
Isaiah 52:7; 2 Kings 6:8-23. Gospel—as Christians, it’s one of our most treasured words. But what do we mean by it? We know it means…
To love as Jesus loved
John 13:31-35. In washing his disciples’ feet, Jesus gave them a picture of his forgiveness of them. Then he gave them a new commandment: to…
The wise king’s request
1 Kings 3:5-14. There can be no justice without wisdom. Grace Paddison is a 2022 Carey Baptist College Youth Pastoral Leadership graduate and is at…
Praying confidently thanks to Jesus' priesthood
Hebrews 4:14-16, 7:23-25, 9:11, 10:19-23. Jesus is both our high priest and perfect sacrifice who intercedes for us in the heavenly realms. By taking a closer…

Spectacular Jesus
When was the last time New Zealand Baptists wept?Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything…
Spectacular Calling
Why is it worth giving your life to Christian ministry? Presented by John Tucker. As Principal of Carey Baptist College, John leads the college. With…
Spectacular Church
"This is what the Lord says - he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, who drew out the…
New property for Carey
Great news to share…
The future of Baptist Research and History
Changes to the Baptist Research and Historical Society as announced at the 2023 National Hui.
A Baptist overview of the Church Life Survey results
A deep dive into the recent national Church Life Survey data from a Baptist perspective.
Children in church life
How is our faith community shaping children’s experiences and being shaped by children’s participation?
Children in relationship with God
Passing on relational connection as well as knowledge to the next generation.
Survey on power and authority in the church
One of our Carey lecturers seeks your help with a book she is writing.
Faith formation in children
The ideas influencing the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of children’s faith.
Belonging in this land: Treaty basics from a Christian perspective
How can we respond to te Tiriti o Waitangi relationship personally and in our church community context?
Israel and Palestine: What are your questions?
One of our Biblical Scholars will address questions we have about Israel and Palestine – if you have a question about the current conflict, the…
5-star biblical preaching
For the fifth of people in our Baptist churches listening to podcasts, here’s a new one containing biblical preaching, and it has a 5-star rating!
Your faith community needs YOU
Do you like to write? Can you capture a story? For nearly 150 years Baptist churches in New Zealand have been sharing articles, stories, news…
The Baptist NZ photo competition
Sponsored by Christian Savings. First prize: $1000...
New managers at Baptist Student Hostel, Palmerston North
Tony and Janine are excited to meet and offer genuine Christian care and support to the awesome students living away from home...
Introducing Jesus through arts and science
An intergenerational style of church that explores faith through hands-on activities...
Help keep our children safe
Baptist churches need to be safe communities for all of us. That’s why we’re providing free Child Protection Policy training for anyone who works with…
Reaching the finish line
The annual update from Christian Savings for 2023.
Our comms: Content and resources that engage
The annual update from our Communications Director, Mike Crudge, for 2023.
Update: The sale of our college
We can now confirm that the campus and offices at 473 and 475 Great South Road have been sold. More on the history of our…
Arotahi Advent prayer guide 2023
Please join us in this global prayer journey from Advent to Epiphany, as we anticipate and proclaim the arrival of the one who brings love,…
Phil Halstead: Titus 2:11-15
Phil’s sermon explores the role of mentors and epiphanies in people’s lives.
What’s going on, and where do we stand?
We’ve heard political voices and social media voices, but what might a Christian response to this topic be? As Katharine Hayhoe explains, we face not…
Katie Cuttriss: Titus 2:1-10
Does our character and our actions give witness to the beauty of the gospel? Paul uses the model of a Godly household for missional living…
Paul Windsor: 2 Timothy 4:1-22
In these verses, we see that the apostle Paul carries many people in his heart. We look into the nature of his relationships and how…
Church and the climate crisis: About the series
As we hear daily reports of a changing environment and concerning future scenarios, many Christians are asking what the church's response will be. In this…
John Tucker: 2 Timothy 2:14-26
Open up a scripture that helps us to understand who we are as servants of Jesus and what it means to be emboldened and engaged…
Dan Cuttriss: 2 Timothy 2:1-13
Remain faithful to the work of the gospel, be strong, embrace suffering, have hope.

Elijah Brown: The work of Jesus
Baptist World Alliance Chief Executive Elijah Brown shares stories of Baptists living out kingdom courage and compassion in places of war, persecution and extreme hunger.
Nicola Mountfort Griffiths: 2 Timothy 1:1-18
In Paul’s last letter to Timothy, he urges him to keep going even though it’s tough and rekindle the fire of the Holy Spirit so…

Bill Dewar: Serving those who serve
Military chaplain Bill Dewar came reluctantly to faith but has obeyed God's call on his life ever since. In this episode, he talks about why…

Season 3 Finale, with Special Guests
As we close out 2024, we’ve got a couple of special guests commenting on what stood from the last year or so of episodes. Have…

Susan Osborne: What I learned as your President
After 45 busy years with the New Zealand Baptist Missionary Society (Arotahi), Susan Osborne thought she'd take things easy. But God had other ideas...In this…
Sam Kilpatrick: Titus 1
The church leader, Titus, is left behind on the island of Crete to help the quickly expanding local gatherings of ‘The Way’ seek good leadership.…

Greg Morris: My biggest battle
Oxford Baptist Church pastor Greg Morris talks about how our extraordinary God uses ordinary people (like him) to fulfil His mission.
The heart of the pastor
As we wrap up the year, John Tucker opens up about his love for pastoral ministry. We pray that listening to John's heartfelt reflections will inspire…
Gospel Impact Labs
Justice, mercy and humility form the framework for a new initiative at National Hui: Gospel Impact Labs. Hear about ten different labs where delegates can…

The power of young voices: Shaping our future, with Sarah Finlay Robinson
With the reality of less and less children and young people in our churches, perhaps it is time to listen to those who work directly…
The pastor as a child of God
We explore the vital connection between our relationship with God and the pressures of pastoral leadership. Join us as Luke shares his story of how…
Te Rongopai maa te tangata me ngaa waahi
The 2024 annual report from Luke Kaa-Morgan, Te Pouarataki mō te Hīkoi on behalf of Baptist Māori and Te Whāriki.
Gospel renewal stories
The 2024 annual report from Charles Hewlett, National Leader of the Baptist Union of New Zealand.
Growing Young: Revitalising the church from the grassroots
The 2024 annual report from Ethan Miller, Youth Catalyst at the Baptist National Support Centre.
Love as Jesus does
The 2024 annual report for the Waikato and Bay of Plenty and Eastland Baptist Associations, by Regional Leader Peter Foster.
Towards being a biblical whānau of faith communities
The 2024 annual report for the Northern Baptist Association by Regional Leader Reti Ah-Voa.
Associating can be so enriching
The annual report for the Upper South Baptist Association from Regional Leader Chris Chamberlain.
Acknowledgement of Baptist Women
An acknowledgement of the negative experiences of some women in our movement. A lament in te reo Māori, Gagana Samoan and Faka-Tonga, and a response…
Hui 2023: Word | Matthew 28:18-20
Cliff Thompson brings the Word from Matthew 28:18-20, encouraging us to go boldly after what God has called us to. When we are lost-people-centric, this…
Hui 2023: Word | Ruth
Lucy Talsma brings the Word from the book of Ruth. Ruth demonstrates the sacrifice in kindness. One of the boldest things we can do is…
Hui 2023: Word | Acts 13 1-3
Eduardo Mendonca brings the Word from Acts 13:1-3. Here we find the church had an ongoing practice of worshiping and seeking the presence of God…
Encounter at the well
This woman has a story to tell! Leaning on research about first-century marriage in Palestine, plus a touch of creative license, we hear from the…
Our true hero
Who is Jesus Christ? Why is he so incredible? This message seeks to answer those questions by examining Jesus’ encounter with three of his close…
God’s acts of the Spirit as God’s love for the world
Walking through Acts 8:26-40, we look at how the Spirit is involved throughout the story of the pursuit and inclusion of the Ethiopian eunuch. In…
Parable of the dishonest manager
What can we learn about Shrewdness and wealth?
Good news for all people
Grace comes to the most unlikely people. Don’t miss it.
When violence meets Jesus
What does encountering Jesus mean for our part in His mission amidst the violence of our hearts and our world?
Jesus, a Lawyer, and a Good Samaritan
Jesus’ stories always contain an element of surprise. His story of the loving Samaritan is certainly shocking. Shocking, of course, because it shows this supposed…

The housing and cost of living crisis: understanding issues and responses
The cost of living and housing crisis is having a significant and ongoing impact on individuals, families, and communities. The issues involved are complex and…

Baptist Hui-ā-Māori 2023
This video is a Zoom recording to all Baptist Māori by Josie Te Kahu, Leonnie Motu, Ray Totorewa, Matt Renata – of Te Kapa Rautaki,…
The tiny kingdom
Matthew 13:31-33. Do we have eyes to see the small, yet significant things that God is doing? Tim Hart is pastor at Māngere Bridge Baptist…
Numbering our days aright
Psalm 90. This sermon explores the life-giving biblical theme of being cognisant of the fragility of life. Phil Halstead is Lecturer: Pastoral Care at Carey…
Beautiful Feet
Romans 10: 13-15; Luke 7:36-50. Nicola reflects on the beautiful feet of Jesus, and the beauty of the feet of those who have shared the…
“Our Father”: on learning to pray
Luke 11:1-2 (Matt 6:9). The two words with which the Lord’s Prayer begins contain the sum of the Gospel. If we can hear afresh the…
Very Good News
Isaiah 52:7; 2 Kings 6:8-23. Gospel—as Christians, it’s one of our most treasured words. But what do we mean by it? We know it means…
To love as Jesus loved
John 13:31-35. In washing his disciples’ feet, Jesus gave them a picture of his forgiveness of them. Then he gave them a new commandment: to…
The wise king’s request
1 Kings 3:5-14. There can be no justice without wisdom. Grace Paddison is a 2022 Carey Baptist College Youth Pastoral Leadership graduate and is at…
Praying confidently thanks to Jesus' priesthood
Hebrews 4:14-16, 7:23-25, 9:11, 10:19-23. Jesus is both our high priest and perfect sacrifice who intercedes for us in the heavenly realms. By taking a closer…

Spectacular Jesus
When was the last time New Zealand Baptists wept?Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything…
Spectacular Calling
Why is it worth giving your life to Christian ministry? Presented by John Tucker. As Principal of Carey Baptist College, John leads the college. With…
Spectacular Church
"This is what the Lord says - he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, who drew out the…
Accessing God’s power through corporate prayer
The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to us through prayer.
Looking back and looking ahead: A New Year’s reflection
The thin space and sacred moment of New Year’s is the perfect time to look back, review our diaries, and remember how God has helped…
Daily Advent Readings: Sunday 15 December to Saturday 21 December
The third week of readings and prayers for Advent, provided by Arotahi, our missionary society.
Daily Advent Readings: Sunday 8 December to Saturday 14 December
The second week of readings and prayers for Advent, provided by Arotahi, our missionary society.
A lament for women in the Baptist movement
A powerful lament given by Baptist Women New Zealand to 2024 National Hui delegates acknowledging the negative experiences of some women in our movement.
Daily Advent Readings: Sunday 1 December to Saturday 7 December
The first seven days of readings and prayers for each day of Advent, provided by Arotahi our missionary society.
Te Tiriti opinions should be informed by true knowledge of and relationship with Māori. That wasn’t.
Māori did not cede sovereignty by signing te Tiriti o Waitangi, and those who say otherwise are unlikely to have much engagement or relationship with…
The Lord’s Prayer in te Reo Māori
This ‘Try-lingual’ version of the Lord's Prayer is designed to be read in English and te Reo Māori, with actions to make it all-age friendly.
Kupu for your kete: Resources for Māori Language Week
Helpful online language resources for learning and celebrating te Reo Māori.
Rare event forecast for July
What will it be like when profound individual journeys of praying, wrestling with and singing the Psalms join together?
Singing for a change
“…be formed, confronted, enriched, and renewed as we linger in the Psalms as a community.”
It’s time to grow up . . . the Psalms can help
In the psalms, we discover God speaks our language and has given us scripts to use as language lessons to help us grow in our…
Outdoor worship services
Ilam Baptist Church brings their worship services out into God’s creation – An interview about the inspiration, the experiences, and the learnings.
Baptist kids enriching worship in Aotearoa
Kids’ Band from South West Baptist Church (Ōtautahi) release 4 singles.
Global Worship Service 2023
Ladies, an invite to connect with Baptist women worldwide in joint worship and prayer next month.
Prophetic art workshop
Some of the crew at Lifepoint Baptist Church unleash their creative side at a prophetic art workshop run by Grace Bailey.
Pentecost Sunday Motueka style
The overwhelming feeling was one of unity between the churches…

Easter Sunday
He is risen!! Today a multitude of people around the world will recognise the coming back to life of Jesus Christ. Read about what a…
Good Friday
Today a multitude of people on the planet will recognise the death of Jesus Christ and the Easter story. Here is how a couple of…
Christmas Day message from the President
Happy Christmas Day to our New Zealand Baptist whānau from the President of the Baptist Union of New Zealand: Ravi Musuku.
Phil Halstead: Titus 2:11-15
Phil’s sermon explores the role of mentors and epiphanies in people’s lives.
What’s going on, and where do we stand?
We’ve heard political voices and social media voices, but what might a Christian response to this topic be? As Katharine Hayhoe explains, we face not…
Katie Cuttriss: Titus 2:1-10
Does our character and our actions give witness to the beauty of the gospel? Paul uses the model of a Godly household for missional living…
Paul Windsor: 2 Timothy 4:1-22
In these verses, we see that the apostle Paul carries many people in his heart. We look into the nature of his relationships and how…
Church and the climate crisis: About the series
As we hear daily reports of a changing environment and concerning future scenarios, many Christians are asking what the church's response will be. In this…
John Tucker: 2 Timothy 2:14-26
Open up a scripture that helps us to understand who we are as servants of Jesus and what it means to be emboldened and engaged…
Dan Cuttriss: 2 Timothy 2:1-13
Remain faithful to the work of the gospel, be strong, embrace suffering, have hope.

Elijah Brown: The work of Jesus
Baptist World Alliance Chief Executive Elijah Brown shares stories of Baptists living out kingdom courage and compassion in places of war, persecution and extreme hunger.
Nicola Mountfort Griffiths: 2 Timothy 1:1-18
In Paul’s last letter to Timothy, he urges him to keep going even though it’s tough and rekindle the fire of the Holy Spirit so…

Bill Dewar: Serving those who serve
Military chaplain Bill Dewar came reluctantly to faith but has obeyed God's call on his life ever since. In this episode, he talks about why…

Season 3 Finale, with Special Guests
As we close out 2024, we’ve got a couple of special guests commenting on what stood from the last year or so of episodes. Have…

Susan Osborne: What I learned as your President
After 45 busy years with the New Zealand Baptist Missionary Society (Arotahi), Susan Osborne thought she'd take things easy. But God had other ideas...In this…
Sam Kilpatrick: Titus 1
The church leader, Titus, is left behind on the island of Crete to help the quickly expanding local gatherings of ‘The Way’ seek good leadership.…

Greg Morris: My biggest battle
Oxford Baptist Church pastor Greg Morris talks about how our extraordinary God uses ordinary people (like him) to fulfil His mission.
The heart of the pastor
As we wrap up the year, John Tucker opens up about his love for pastoral ministry. We pray that listening to John's heartfelt reflections will inspire…
Gospel Impact Labs
Justice, mercy and humility form the framework for a new initiative at National Hui: Gospel Impact Labs. Hear about ten different labs where delegates can…

The power of young voices: Shaping our future, with Sarah Finlay Robinson
With the reality of less and less children and young people in our churches, perhaps it is time to listen to those who work directly…
The pastor as a child of God
We explore the vital connection between our relationship with God and the pressures of pastoral leadership. Join us as Luke shares his story of how…
Te Rongopai maa te tangata me ngaa waahi
The 2024 annual report from Luke Kaa-Morgan, Te Pouarataki mō te Hīkoi on behalf of Baptist Māori and Te Whāriki.
Gospel renewal stories
The 2024 annual report from Charles Hewlett, National Leader of the Baptist Union of New Zealand.
Growing Young: Revitalising the church from the grassroots
The 2024 annual report from Ethan Miller, Youth Catalyst at the Baptist National Support Centre.
Love as Jesus does
The 2024 annual report for the Waikato and Bay of Plenty and Eastland Baptist Associations, by Regional Leader Peter Foster.
Towards being a biblical whānau of faith communities
The 2024 annual report for the Northern Baptist Association by Regional Leader Reti Ah-Voa.
Associating can be so enriching
The annual report for the Upper South Baptist Association from Regional Leader Chris Chamberlain.