The video below is a Zoom recording to all Baptist Māori by Josie Te Kahu, Leonnie Motu, Ray Totorewa, Matt Renata – of Te Kapa Rautaki, and Luke Kaa-Morgan – Te Pouarataki mō te hikoi (Treaty Guide). Alongside this video they share the words below. This is the first of several videos leading up to the Baptist Hui-ā-Māori in July 2023.
If the video doesn't work click here.
Kia rere arorangi te titiro kite Mata-o-te-Ariki
Kia hohou te rongo
Kia hohou te Rongopai
Auē, taukiri ē!
E ngā purapura whetū, e ngā tātai whakaheke nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei huihuinga Māori, hei wānangananga, hei kōrerorero i ngā take o te wā. No reira, nau mai, haere mai, piki mai, kake mai...
Te Kapa Rautaki and Te Pouarataki mō te Hikoi extend a warm welcome to our Hāhi Iriiri whānau to gather together at this special hui where we will farewell the old and welcome in the new.
We look forward to new opportunities and engaging with the next chapter of our Baptist Māori story. We urge you to prayerfully prioritise this hui and join us for this significant time in our Baptist movement.
11:00am Friday 14th - 2:00pm Sunday 16th July 2023
Puna O Te Ora, 60 Kayes Road, Pukekohe, 2120
Please send your interest via email in order to receive important information about our hui. Our Hui will start at Te Puna O Te Ora. Further details to follow.
Whakapā Mai (Please RSVP)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: Josie Te Kahu 021 260 4202 or Luke Kaa-Morgan 021 627 157
Photos: Zoom recording screenshot and carvings at Carey Baptist College.