Ngaire Button (Ngati Porou, Ngai Tuhoe) has worked in community development for most of her career. She has been a Māori Health Equity advisor, served on the local Community Board, was a Christchurch City Councillor, and was Deputy Mayor of Christchurch (2011-2013). Ngaire is studying theology at the University of Otago. She is a member of St Albans Baptist Church in Ōtautahi Christchurch.

Luke Kaa-Morgan (Tainui Āwhiro, Ngāti Tahinga, Pākehā) is Te Pouarataki mō te hikoi—Treaty guide for the National Support Centre of the Baptist Union of Churches.

Imagine a movement whose relationship with local marae is thriving.

Justice, mercy and humility form the framework for a new initiative at National Hui (6–9 Nov) this year: Gospel Impact Labs. Delegates can participate in one of ten labs to develop a tool which local Baptist churches can use for gospel renewal. See all Gospel Impact Labs at the end of this article. In this one with Ngaire and Luke, we’re creating a tool that helps our local churches identify, connect with and serve local tangata whenua. 

Connect with and serve marae 

“Return home”. This was the message from Ngā Puhi leadership to Māori at this year’s Waitangi event. “Return home and revitalise your marae me ō koutou mita o te reo Māori (local dialect)”. Marae revitalisation holds immense value for Māori communities and New Zealand as a whole. It strengthens cultural identity by preserving traditional practices, language, and customs. Revitalised marae serve as vibrant hubs for education, encouraging intergenerational knowledge transfer and community cohesion. They provide a sense of belonging and pride, reinforcing interpersonal relationships and collective well-being. Strengthening and supporting Māori who are growing the skills and attributes that will enable them to contribute at a hapū and iwi level is a practical way to bring gospel renewal.

Mā pango, mā whero, oti ai te mahi (teamwork): 

At this Gospel Impact Lab, we will prayerfully generate ideas to create a resource that our local Baptist churches can use. Through active participation in marae revitalisation, we honour the past, enrich the present, and ensure the resilience of Māori culture for future generations. This is a powerful step towards cultural sustainability and national unity.

Image: Ngaire Button

Gospel Impact Labs

Faith sharing

Community engagement

Connect with and serve marae

Empowering young people

Welcoming immigrants

Power of prayer

Develop leaders

Climate crisis action

Political engagement

Good stewardship

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