Bradley Nicolson leads Baptist Resources Limited, which manages administration, finance, property, and building developments for churches and trusts.
Imagine a movement that effectively uses its assets for gospel renewal.
Justice, mercy and humility form the framework for a new initiative at National Hui (6–9 Nov) this year: Gospel Impact Labs. Delegates can participate in one of ten labs to develop a tool which local Baptist churches can use for gospel renewal. See all Gospel Impact Labs at the end of this article. In this one with Bradley, we’re creating a tool to help our local churches think creatively – even radically – about how they could activate their assets for the Kingdom of God.
The Bible references stewardship and why we should care about our use of resources.
- Psalm 24:1 > Stewardship acknowledges that we are caretakers of the Lord's creation.
- Matthew 25:14-30 > Biblical stewardship emphasises faithfulness in using what God has given us.
- 1 Peter 4:10 > Stewardship involves serving others and reflecting God's love and generosity.
- Romans 14:12 > We will give an account of our stewardship.
- 2 Corinthians 9:6–7 > Stewardship includes the call to give generously and joyfully.
I often imagine a movement that effectively uses its assets for gospel renewal. Over the past decade, I’ve served as treasurer, trustee or director for various Baptist church boards.
As we care for what we are entrusted with, are we following God's word? Most Baptist churches and trusts in 2024 are asset-rich and cash-poor. Our assets are often run-down and poorly maintained. Generally, there are neither short nor long-term maintenance plans in place, and we risk leaving the generation that follows with fewer resources than we had. Our churches do not count the opportunity cost of not utilising assets more fully.
At this lab we’ll get creative – radical even! – to come up with a tool that helps local Baptist churches effectively use their assets for gospel renewal.
Image: Bradley Nicolson
Gospel Impact Labs
Political engagement
Good stewardship