Step Ten: Publish Sermon Notes

The digital ‘sermon handout’

Notes is a clever way to publish sermon notes for your community, and allow them to edit that note on their own device during the sermon.

Watch the video for an overview of what needs to be achieved in this step, and then follow the step-by-step instructions below.

How Notes Work

A user has the ability to both create their own note, as well as view and amend a published note within your app. You can publish a note in the EzyStream dashboard and make an editable version available to everyone who has your app.

Creating a Published Note

  1. Login to the EzyStream Dashboard (,
  2. Select ‘Content’ in the top blue navigation menu
  3. Select ‘Notes
  4. Click + Add Note to create a note. Give it a title and add your series/episode (this needs to already be created).
  5. Enter the content of the note you’d like everyone to see.
  6. This is a template note, which may include places for users to enter their own additional notes, or fill in the spaces.
  7. You can link an existing media item if you wish.
  8. You can also enter related Bible references. Please make sure you enter these in the example format: e.g. John 3:16. (John 3v16 is not supported!)
  9. Save your draft note.
  10. When you’d like to publish your note to all your users, open the note again and click Publish.

Using a Published Note in your app

  1. When you click the Notes section in your app, you’ll be presented with all your Published Notes
  2. A user can tap a note to open it, and then make changes to the Published Note. (The user must be logged in to access the note, so that we can save the changes, and sync it to their other devices)
  3. When the note is saved, a new copy of the note is saved under ‘My Notes’ on the users device. This leaves your template note unchanged for other users, while allowing each user to edit their own copy of the note.

Making a User Note

  1. A user can also create their own note from scratch by going to ‘My Notes’ and clicking (plus)
  2. This will create a new note that only the logged in user can access.

Draft and Published Notes

We recommend keeping your note as a draft until you are 100% happy with it. Once you publish it, it can’t be edited again, as your users may have already started making their own changes to the published note.

If you need to change your note, please duplicate it, and publish a new copy once you are happy with your changes. (Don’t forget to delete the old copy!)


Q: Why is the list of Bible versions limited in my app?
A: Only some versions of the Bible are allowed to be accessed by platforms like EzyChurch. We will increase this list as publishers are able to make their content available.
Q: Is Notes available offline?
A: At this stage Notes are only available Online, so that we can avoid any conflicts between notes when a user accesses their notes on multiple devices.

Need help?

The Baptist NZ comms team is able to help you configure your app to get the most out of it. You can give us a call, or email support here.

We suggest your app is configured to do at least the following:

  • Send Push Notifications,
  • Display events,
  • Offer digital giving,
  • Publish sermon media
  • Publish weekly newsletters
  • A full feature list is available here.

If you’re stuck getting these operating, please get in touch. We want your app to be an effective tool for your community.

Request Support