Create your own media library
Add video, audio and PDF files to your library, and have them available in all your media environments: Your App, your website with a media iframe, and your Podcast.
Watch the video for an overview of what needs to be achieved in this step, and then follow the step-by-step instructions below.
Uploading your media to the EzyStream media library will publish your media to your app and website. EzyStream also allows you to publish a Podcast through to services to like Apple’s Podcast platform from your existing media library. This is a powerful tool as one upload of your media can be published to your app, website (or website iframe), and to your podcast, all with one action.
Important Differences between Podcasts and your Main Media Library
It’s important to understand the differences in how your Media Library is managed, and how Podcasts can be managed separately.
Your Media Library allows you to add several types of media, in a Series/Episode structure. However, your podcast is essentially a single series, with only episodes. Therefore the management of how that list of episodes is managed differs from what you see in your Media Library.
While your Media Library is managed by accessing Content Menu > Media Management, your Podcast is managed by accessing Content Menu > Podcast.
Decide on how you’d like to structure your media
When you click Add Media, you will be offered the following options. We recommend creating a series for your media, even if you intent to only upload one episode of content. This allows for maximum abilty for your media to populate in carousels in your various media interfaces (app screens, iframes etc).
- Create New Video/Audio Series (Recommended)
This is our recommended option for new content. This allows you to create a series, and then add as many episodes to it that you wish.
- Your series has a title, a series synopsis and an image (This should be square, 1200×1200 Pixels. Learn more about Media Graphic Assets).
- Each episode can contain one video file, one audio file and one PDF file, or any combination of those.
- Each episode should contain a title, episode synopsis (could be the same as your series synopsis if you wish), the date the media was created, the author or speaker, keywords/search tags, and your copyright information.
- Add Episode to Existing Series
This is our recommended option for adding an additional episode to an existing series. (ie. Week two of a five part series). It contains all the options above for your new episode, while the series name and image will be re-used.
- Add Stand Alone Episode
This option does not require you to create a series for your media, but rather just creates an episode. Its important to understand that if you use this option, your media will not appear in carousels that are designed to display series. They will only appear in episode carousels.
Please note that media added using this option can’t show in:- The series carousels in your app (they will appear in recent media only)
- Full Media Embedded Library (please use Recent/Series List View if you need this type of media to show in your website).
Adding Media
- Login to the EzyStream Dashboard (https://admin.ezystream.com),
- Select ‘Content’ in the top blue navigation menu
- Select ‘Media Management‘
- Select the ‘Media Library’ tab
- Click (+) Add Media in the top left
- Select the type of media you’d like to add.
- (If you are adding a new series, fill in the required information for the series. Learn about Media Graphic Asset Requirements.)
- Click (+) Video and/or (+) Audio and select your audio and/or video file within your computer. Learn about Supported Media Types and Media Graphic Asset Requirements.
- Fill out the required fields to tell us about your episode. The following optional graphics can be added to your media:
- Video Episode Thumbnail (1920px x 1080px)
This image shows for video episodes only, and should be a freeze frame from your video. - Episode Poster (1200px x 1200px)
- PDF File
This PDF files shows as an attachment to your media and is likely to be notes or a slide show related to the media you are uploading.- This is the same type of image as a series image, but specific to the episode. If you are adding the episode to a series, you are unlikely to need to use this image, as your Series Poster will generally displayed. Uploading this image will replace the Series Poster when this episode is displayed.
- For Single Episodes, not part of a series, we do recommend adding this image.
- Video Episode Thumbnail (1920px x 1080px)
- Decide if you’d like us to automatically send a notification to your users to tell them your new media is available in your app.
- Decide if you’d like us to automatically add your audio episode to your podcast feed. You can do this later in Podcast management if you wish.
- Click Submit once your media has been uploaded. You can also opt for us to automatically submit your form once your upload is complete if its a large upload.
Editing Media
- Login to the EzyStream Dashboard (https://admin.ezystream.com),
- Select ‘Content’ in the top blue navigation menu
- Select ‘Media Management‘
- Select the ‘Media Library’ tab
- Search for the title you’d like to edit, and click Edit.
- The overview that opens allows you to edit series information, individual episodes, control your offer and view playback statistics.
Upgrading Single Episodes to a Series
If you clicked ‘Add Stand Alone Episode’ when uploading your media, your episode is not currently connected to a series.
You can upgrade your media to a series if you wish to convert it. Please note, this action can’t be undone.
You can check if your media is a series or not by clicking ‘Edit’ above the title details while editing your media. Additionally, Single Episodes won’t show the (plus) Episode option until you upgrade your media to a series.
To update your media to a series:
- Click ‘Edit’ next to the title you wish to change while in your media library. This opens your title.
- Click ‘Edit’ in the top left of your screen, above ‘Title Details’,
- Uncheck ‘This media is not a series’,
- Name your series (this will also update the title of your media in your media library),
- Add a poster image (1200px x 1200px). This is a requirement for series’.
- Enter a synopsis for your series,
- Enter the copyright of your series.
- Click Submit
- You’ll now be able to add more episodes to the series. (You may need to refresh your browser to ensure the (+) Episode button appears).
To make adding media to your existing website very simple, you can use the EzyStream system to manage your media and automatically publish it everywhere you need it.
These instructions outline how to take a small piece of code from your account, which can be placed into your existing website by the person who managed your website.
Once done, your media will automatically appear on your website as well as your app once uploaded to the dashboard.
How to get the one-time code:
Please make sure you’ve added some media to your media library before going through these steps.
- Login to the EzyStream Dashboard (admin.ezystream.com).
- Click the ‘Cog’ icon next to your name in the top right of the screen.
- Select ‘Community Features’
- Select ‘Website Media Embed Config’
- Select the way you’d like your media to display. Any example of how each option will display on your website is further down.
- Amend the colours you want to be included in your iFrame, based on the colours you already use in your website.
- Select a number between 0 and 100 (%) to control whether you want the background of your iFrame to be fully, or partially transparent.
- Select the number of episodes you’d like included (if applicable)
- Select Copy Embed Code
- Paste this HTML code into your existing website.
Full Embedded Media Library

This view shows all your recent series and episodes, allows users to search for a title, speaker or date, and see the contents of a series. It should be set to fill the majority of a page on your website.
Mini Window for Recent Episodes

This is a mini view which allows you to offer quick access to play one of your recent pieces of media. You may set how many episodes you’d like to include. This view is likely to be used on your homepage to show recent content.
Recent/Series List View

This view creates a vertical list of episodes – either recent content, or the episodes within the series you select. It is an alternate option to A above, with a cleaner UI, although excludes search options.
Embed specific video or audio files into your website
If you’d like to embed a specific video or audio file into your website, so you can also do this on a title, by title basis.
How to get the embed code:
- Login to the EzyStream Dashboard (https://admin.ezystream.com),
- Select ‘Content’ in the top blue navigation menu
- Select ‘Media Management‘
- Select the ‘Media Library’ tab
- Search for the title you wish to place into your site.
- Open the title you’d like to embed,
- Next to the episode you’d like to embed, click ‘Copy URL/Embed’,

8. Click ‘Copy Video Player’ or ‘Copy Audio Player’ as required,

9. Paste the code copied to your clipboard into the appropriate place on your website.
Once your media is loaded into your media library in EzyStream, you can easily create a Podcast feed to appear in the Apple Podcast system.
Setup your Podcast
First of all, you need to setup your Podcast settings in your EzyStream Dashboard:
- Login to the EzyStream Dashboard (https://admin.ezystream.com),
- Select ‘Content’ in the top blue navigation menu
- Select ‘Podcasts‘
- Click (+) Add New Podcast
- Fill in the form, ensuring that your Podcast images is at least 1400x1400px (otherwise Apple will reject your submission)
Add Media to Your Media Library in EzyStream
If you don’t have any media in your library yet:
- Select ‘Content’ in the top blue navigation menu
- Select ‘Media Management‘
- Follow the steps in the above tab (Uploading Video & Audio to upload your first episode.
- Ensure you click ‘Add to Podcast’ while adding your episode.
To add media already in your media library:
- In Podcast Management, select (+) Episode.
- Search of the name of the episode already in your EzyStream media library and the system will populate the data you have already put into your library.
- Update any info about your episode specifically for the Podcast
- Click Submit to add the episode as the newest one in your Podcast.
NOTE: Adding Media to your Podcast
An Apple Podcast is a linear feed of your episodes, in comparison to EzyStream which allows you to arrange your media into episodes and series. Therefore, when setting up your Podcast, you either need to add your episodes to your Podcast in your Podcast Management Dashboard, (in the order you want them to appear), or select ‘Add to Podcast’ when uploading your media. Adding while uploading will put your episode as the newest item in your Podcast.
Submit your Podcast to Apple
In order to list your Podcast in the Apple Store, you need to create an account with Apple, and create your Podcast. EzyStream can do this for you, for an additional setup fee, or you can go to https://podcastsconnect.apple.com/my-podcasts to do it yourself.
- Create an Apple ID if you don’t have one already at appleid.apple.com
- Login to https://podcastsconnect.apple.com/my-podcasts
- Create your Podcast
- When prompted for the URL of your Podcast feed, browse to the EzyStream Dashboard,
- Go to Content > Podcasts and click Copy URL,
- Paste this URL into the field required by Apple,
- Submit your Podcast to Apple.
Submit your Podcast to Spotify
In order to list your Podcast in Spotify, you need to create an account with Spotity, and create your Podcast. EzyStream can do this for you, for an additional setup fee, or you can go to https://podcasters.spotify.com/ to do it yourself.
- Login to Spotify at https://podcasters.spotify.com/
- Enter your Legal Entity and accept the terms and conditions,
- When prompted for the URL of your Podcast feed, browse to the EzyStream Dashboard,
- Go to Content > Podcasts and click Copy URL,
- Paste this URL into the field required by Spotify,
- Validate your email address by clicking ‘Send Code’,
- Submit your Podcast.
Ensure your podcast is setup
Before using this guide, ensure your podcast is setup using the instructions above.
Adding Audio Episodes to your Podcast
There are two ways you can add media to your podcast:
Option One: Add episodes to your Podcast from existing episodes currently stored in your Media Library.
EzyStream offers you the ability to create a separate list of episodes to show in your podcast, rather than just publishing all media in your library.
This allows you the option to:
- Change the name and synopsis of each episode within the Podcast display.
(Your episode may be called ‘Week One’ within a series ‘Relationships’ in your Media Library, but because you can’t see the name of the series within your Podcast, you may choose to rename this to ‘Relationships: Week One’ for your Podcast episode only.) - Manage the order of your podcast list of episodes by controlling the publish date.
If your media already exists in your media library, and you wish to add it to your podcast:
- Login to the EzyStream Dashboard (https://admin.ezystream.com),
- Select ‘Content’ in the top blue navigation menu
- Select ‘Podcasts‘
- Click (plus) Episode,
- In the first field, ‘Media to Use’, start to type the name of your episode. This searches the episodes already available in your media library.
- Click the episode you wish to use, and the details of that episode will populate the rest of the form.
- Edit the rest of the form with any changes you wish to make specific to your Podcast. Changes made here will not effect your media library information, and will only show within your Podcast feed.
- Click Submit.
Note: Episodes will be ordered by ‘Publish Date’ within your feed.
Option Two: Add to Podcast during your initial upload to your Media Library
If you are uploading your media for the first time to your media library, you can avoid having to add the episode to your Podcast list as a second step.
- Browse to your Media Library (Content Menu > Media Management)
- Click (+) Media and upload your media as normal.
- When entering the Episode Information, click ‘Add to Podcast’.
- When you Submit your episode, your Title and Synopsis is automatically copied to your Podcast list.
Editing Audio Episodes to your Podcast
If you wish to edit an episode within your Podcast, you must do this in your Podcast list. Changes to your Media Library will not automatically flow through to your Podcast.
- Browse to your Podcast list (Content > Podcasts)
- Browse down the list of episodes in your Podcast and click ‘Edit’ on the episode you wish to change
- Change the details of your podcast episode.
- Click Submit.
Note: Changes made to your Podcast, in the Podcast section will not flow through to your Media Library.
Volunteer media teams
If you have volunteers that you would like to upload media to your app, they can have have an admin account setup which provides an upload screen only, preventing them from interfering with the overall management of your app.
A Volunteer administrator is only able to upload media to your platform. When they login, the only option available to them is to click (+) Media. Once their media is uploaded, it disappears from their view, as they are unable to view your media library (or any other dashboard function). If any changes were required to their upload, these would be done by someone who has standard permissions (as above).
You can learn more about how to set up these permissions here.
Need help?
The Baptist NZ comms team is able to help you configure your app to get the most out of it. You can give us a call, or email support here.
We suggest your app is configured to do at least the following:
- Send Push Notifications,
- Display events,
- Offer digital giving,
- Publish sermon media
- Publish weekly newsletters
- A full feature list is available here.
If you’re stuck getting these operating, please get in touch. We want your app to be an effective tool for your community.