The Way of the Raukura
On 30th November 2020, Mt Albert Baptist Church made history after their senior pastor, Steve Worsley, embarked on a journey to unearth a story, a…
NZBMS & biculturalism—a journey just begun
The first Mission Council meeting of 2020 included a historic and poignant moment as we met with Te Kapa Rautaki, (the Māori Baptist Strat Team)…
Racism—repentance, reversal & repair
Speaking at an ‘hour of prayer’ event on 18th June 2020 to mark an international stand by Baptists against racism, the general secretary of the…
Rangiaruaru Hema—“Pursuing Jesus”
In June 2020, the national administrator for the Baptist Churches of New Zealand, Winston Hema, announced he had changed his name. His decision, he explains,…
Come and see
Māori students, together with their whānau, Carey staff and the Manatū Iriiri Māori strategic team, celebrate what God is doing among Māori at Carey Baptist…
A loss of innocence?
The Christchurch mosque shootings on 15th March 2019 tarnished forever New Zealand’s reputation as a low-threat environment. Many commented that the nation had “lost its…
Te Whare Oranga
Learn more about Carey Baptist College's bicultural journey and plans or a new centre for Māori learning, to be called Te Whare Oranga.
Why Pākehā need to know who they are: belonging in Aotearoa
Alistair Reese considers the need for Pākehā to understand who they are and how they belong in Aotearoa New Zealand.