How to make a submission on the Treaty Principles Bill
Submissions close 7 January. Here are some resources to help you learn more about Te Tiriti and show you how to make your submissions.
Pondering: Why I don’t support the Treaty of Waitangi Principles Bill
The Treaty of Waitangi Principles Bill could have far-reaching negative implications for New Zealand’s social fabric, says Dave Tims.
Pondering: Keeping Tiriti Hikoi moving forward
“The church should be a place of all cultures and peoples worshipping and serving Jesus in the fullness of their own rangatiratanga, language, culture and…
Te Tiriti opinions should be informed by true knowledge of and relationship with Māori. That wasn’t.
Māori did not cede sovereignty by signing te Tiriti o Waitangi, and those who say otherwise are unlikely to have much engagement or relationship with…
The Lord’s Prayer in te Reo Māori
This ‘Try-lingual’ version of the Lord's Prayer is designed to be read in English and te Reo Māori, with actions to make it all-age friendly.
Kupu for your kete: Resources for Māori Language Week
Helpful online language resources for learning and celebrating te Reo Māori.
Tribute to Kiingi Tuuheitia, the Maaori King
From the National Leader of the Baptist Churches of New Zealand, Te Haahi Iriiri o Aotearoa, and Te Pouarataki moo te Whiikoi.
The passing of our Maaori King
We are sad to learn of the passing of our Maaori King Tuuheitia Potatau VII.
Register now for Hui ā Māori 2024: ‘no greater time to be unified’
A call for Baptist Māori to engage with the significant kōrero coming to Hui ā Māori 2024.
Reflections on the season of Matariki
Three Baptist Māori share what they’ll be doing to acknowledge this season.