
The gospel and racism Image
June 30, 2022 | John Tucker Channel: 2144749

The gospel and racism

To what extent should we as Christians engage with difficult questions of race and racism? What does the Bible say about race and racism?

The church & racial justice Image
October 3, 2020 | Jennie Ekigbo Channel: 2144749

The church & racial justice

Jennie Ekigbo explains what she believes the church can learn from the current movement for racial justice.

Racism—repentance, reversal & repair Image
August 2, 2020 | Josie Te Kahu & Andy Shudall Channel: 2144749

Racism—repentance, reversal & repair

Speaking at an ‘hour of prayer’ event on 18th June 2020 to mark an international stand by Baptists against racism, the general secretary of the…


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