A message from your new BWA Women President, Karen Wilson.

In this challenging global season, most of us are concerned with what is happening immediately around us. There are challenges of health and security. Our families are in danger and our everyday circumstances are incredibly difficult. I am noticing that our eyes are focused on what is right in front of us.

But what if we were able to shift our gaze and have a different perspective?

God speaks to us through the Psalmist and we read, “I lift up my eyes to the mountains -where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1,2) This Psalm then goes on to reveal that the Lord has everything in control and is watching over us and keeping us from harm.

In 2 Kings 6:17 we hear the words of Elisha praying for his servant, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” God opened the servant’s eyes and he immediately saw the victorious angel armies of the Lord surrounding the enemy that had them under threat.

When we lift our eyes, we gain a new perspective.

Looking to the five years ahead of us I am acutely aware that God sees things as they will be and not as they are. He has placed a vision in my heart of women standing alongside one another globally to equip, encourage, strengthen and empower one another.

We are daughters of Almighty God (1 John 3:1) and our strength comes from standing together (1 Thess 5:11) with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith of the Gospel. (Phil 1:27)

Coming into this new role as the Baptist World Alliance Women’s President, God woke me in the night and gave me a picture. An artist in my city then painted it for me and it sits above my office desk as a daily reminder.

I see women who are giants, standing alongside one another, right around the coastlines of the world. They are waiting for the spirit of God to come to their land, to their nations and are protecting those who are behind them. They are all magnificently tall, strong, brave, and united. There is no distinction of age or race as they stand dressed and ready in the full armour of God.

There is a time coming when this unity will be felt at a greater level than ever before. Women in leadership, taking responsibility, standing shoulder to shoulder and stepping into all God has called them to be. It will be a time when racial walls will crumble, when economic and geographic walls will come down and when women will begin to powerfully speak out. Prov 31:8 says, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.”

Let us all lift our eyes, ask God for His vision for our nations, stand together in strength and speak up for justice as we serve Him and His purposes globally.

Connect with Karen on her public Facebook page

Karen has written an ebook on her personal journey of life and ministry titled The Inside Story. To download a copy of this, please click here.

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