Baptist principles and practices have always valued an even spread of leadership and resources. To help achieve this, and to enable all churches to feel connected to the wider Baptist work, many aspects relating to the task of resourcing Baptist churches throughout New Zealand are managed in the regions through a regional network made up of six Baptist Associations – the word ‘associations’ comes from the desire for local Baptist churches to associate together.
The network of Associations connects local churches with other local churches in their region and utilises the experience and expertise of both pastoral and other leaders to inspire and train others, and bring about the fulfilment of the visions of individual Baptist churches.
Each regional Association has a Regional Leader who is responsible for supporting and resourcing local churches. To facilitate the encouragement and resourcing of churches, the Regional Leaders meet regularly with the National Leader and other Regional Leaders.

Otago & Southland Baptist Association
There are 12 faith communities that connect together in the lower part of the Mainland.

Upper South Baptist Association
The working together of 37 faith communities in this region is the combination in 2023 of the Canterbury Westland Association and the Top of the South Association.

Lower North Island Baptist Association
There are 52 faith communities in this region which spreads from Taranaki across to Hawke's Bay and down to Wellington city.

Bay of Plenty & Eastland Baptist Association
This region has 20 faith communities working together along the eastern coastline and inland to Lake Taupō.

Waikato Baptist Association
Working side by side in this region are 20 faith communities from Whitianga and Huntly down to Taumaruni.

Northern Baptist Association
Associating across the most populated region of the country are 98 faith communities from Waiuku in the south up to Doubtless Bay and Kaitaia in the north.