The Baptist Research and Historical Society (‘Baptist Research’) existed to resource, stimulate, and publish research relating to Baptist and wider church life in Aotearoa New Zealand. Since 1949 the Baptist Research and Historical Society served as a ministry of the Baptist Union of New Zealand with the goal of stimulating research, and preserving the historical record of Baptist Churches in Aotearoa. This was achieved through the Pacific Journal of Theological Research, Archer Press, the Sutherland Lecture, and other events and programs.

In 2023 the Society board, together with the Baptist National Support Centre and Carey Baptist College, came to the decision that the duties of the board could be best served by other parts of the Baptist family, therefore Baptist Research has ceased to exist in its prior form.

The Pacific Journal of Theological Research

An archive of all editions of the journal from October 2005 to November 2023 can be found at the National Library of New Zealand website.

Archer Press

A history of the books published through Archer Press can be viewed at the National Library of New Zealand website. Members of the Carey Baptist College Library can access these books.

Sutherland Lecture

This lecture continues to be part of the Baptist National Hui held each November. For details of the upcoming lecture, check the Hui website.

Baptist Research Podcast

A podcast collection of lecture and talk recordings from past Baptist Research events. Click here.