The goal of our regional and national leadership is to serve our local churches in the area of complaints, disclosures or allegations of misconduct, so that collectively, the Baptist Churches of New Zealand can ensure that our people and our places are safe.
Society is becoming increasingly aware of issues of misconduct, bullying, harassment and abuse. If you have been following recent New Zealand media coverage on the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions, or have seen the various international media reports on the perils of conflict and power in church settings, you will know the vital importance of ensuring the Baptist Churches of New Zealand respond well to complaints, disclosures or allegations of misconduct. For the sake of those treated poorly in the past, and for the protection of those under our care now and in the future, we must ensure that we address this well.
We seek:
- to provide support and resourcing in the way our movement responds to complaints across every level – locally, regionally and nationally, with robust processes and policies in place that serve the local church to handle concerns and complaints well.
- To provide policy that is workable, where roles and expectations of the local church, regional associations and national office are clear.
- To have clear guiding principles, definitions and informative tools.
- To have support available both regionally, through our Regional Leaders, and nationally, through the National Support Centre who will act as a liaison with various avenues of expertise, whether that be pastoral, therapeutic, legal, cultural or something else.
Making a complaint
We recognise that conflict is unavoidable, and relationships get damaged for a variety of reasons. We welcome concerns and complaints and are committed to working through these with a goal of restoration and right relationships for those involved.
If you would like to make a complaint or raise a concern, please contact the Regional Leader applicable to your region, or alternatively, you can contact the Baptist National Support Centre (as listed below).
Our team will assist you with information about our complaints process and direct your concern or complaint to the most appropriate person.
We seek to respond to any concern or complaint professionally, promptly, and with respect for all.
Regional Leaders
Otago & Southland Baptist Association
Rachel Murray
[email protected] | 027 220 9082
Upper South Baptist Association
Chris Chamberlain
[email protected] | 027 337 3927
Lower North Island Baptist Association
Mike Warring
[email protected] | 027 450 1400
Bay of Plenty & Eastland Baptist Association
Peter Foster
[email protected] | 027 592 5086
Waikato Baptist Association
Peter Foster
[email protected] | 027 592 5086
Northern Baptist Association
Reti Ah-Voa
[email protected] | 021 177 6168
Baptist National Support Centre
[email protected]
Post to: C/O Complaints, PO Box 12149, Penrose, Auckland 1642
Serious allegation of harassment, abuse or misconduct
Every person, including every child and young person, is entitled to be safe from harassment or abuse. We recognise that the effects of harassment or abuse can be far reaching and seriously damaging to the emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual health of the victim. Wellbeing, protection and safety is the first and paramount consideration.
Confidentiality is assured unless as a result of a complaint being made it is believed that the safety of others may be at risk. In this case, the wishes of the complainant or victim regarding our response, must be weighed against such factors, in deciding upon any course of action.
If a complaint is criminal in nature, complainants will be encouraged to talk to the Police. If there is imminent and serious risk of harm to any person, we may notify the Police ourselves.
In the case of suspected or known abuse of children or young persons under 17 years, Oranga Tamariki: Ministry for Children should be advised/involved immediately with any subsequent disciplinary action being addressed by our faith community as a consequential issue.
The role of the Baptist Union of New Zealand
The Baptist Union is the 250 member churches and faith communities located within six Regional Baptist Associations, governed between annual Assemblies (National Hui) by Assembly Council. Recognising that local churches have their own governing/eldership bodies, the regional and national leadership, through the Associations, Assembly Council and Baptist National Support Centre also understand the needs that each of our faith communities may have from time-to-time, for resources and guidance on some of the more difficult issues which confront our churches.
The Baptist Regional Associations and Baptist National Support Centre are committed to encouraging, supporting, and resourcing local Baptist faith communities and their leadership so that they are not only aware of the need to have good and effective complaints documentation and guidelines but are also equipped with knowledge and wisdom as to the processes which may lead to resolution of complaints and the restoration/redemption in the lives of those involved.
The Baptist Regional Associations and/or Baptist National Support Centre may become directly involved in a local faith community complaint or conflict situation, if for example, it owes a duty of care to a church congregation, its members, or volunteers.
If you have a complaint, please contact one of the Regional Leaders listed above, or the Baptist National Support Centre at [email protected], or post your complaint to C/O Complaints, PO Box 12149, Penrose, Auckland 1642. Your complaint will be dealt with promptly, and with utmost confidentiality.
Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry
The Baptist Union of New Zealand worked with the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith-based Institutions. This inquiry has ended and the report was made public on 24 July 2024: Whanaketia: through pain and trauma, from darkness to light. Read more about this in a letter to people in Baptist churches from our Assembly Council Chair, President, and National Leader.