Various Baptist churches around New Zealand provide accomodation for tertiary students.
This page provides links to the places we know about. If your hostel or flat isn’t listed here, please get in touch.
Baptist Student Hostel (BSH) Palmerston North
Chester House - Christchurch
Chester House is supported by a dedicated student supervisor and team of young adults from Oxford Terrace Baptist Church who live close by.
Central House - Wellington
Central House is a ministry of Wellington Central Baptist Church.
Latest articles
Kupu for your kete: Resources for Māori Language Week
Helpful online language resources for learning and celebrating te Reo Māori.
From the President: August in Auckland and Northland
Susan shares encouragements found in her visits to Baptist churches in Auckland and Northland.
Salt of the earth: A normal household
A childhood encounter with a conflicted fisherman shows the difference between tasting that the Lord is good and taking refuge in him.
Baptist Student Network: Connecting, supporting Christian students
The Baptist Student Network helps connect our young people into Baptist churches in other cities and offers accommodation and support.
Changes ahead for John Tucker and Carey
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Winners of the Baptist NZ photo competition 2024
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Request for churches to pray this Sunday for Bangladesh
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From comfort to compassion: Lessons from our trip to Cebu
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