In this series we look at how we hear from God and discern his will for our lives.
17m | January 28, 2018
Robyn Mellar-Smith
Robyn discusses steps 5 and 6: Discuss your decision with trusted others and express the freedom you have in Christ by making a decision.
18m | January 21, 2018
Robyn Mellar-Smith
Robyn discusses steps 3 and 4: Investigate your options and listen for the gentle whisper of the Holy Spirit.
21m | January 14, 2018
Robyn Mellar-Smith
What do you do to include God in the process when you need to make a decision?
20m | January 7, 2018
Robyn Mellar-Smith
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge to him and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6.