47m | September 7, 2014
Jeff McCormick
A time when all hope is gone Jesus body has been taken to the tomb. The women coming to embalm His body find he is gone. They are told by an angel that he is risen and to tell the disciples. W se the Kingdom of God really beginning to unfold and it is quite different to that which all had expected. Resurrection is central to faith!
39m | August 10, 2014
Jeff McCormick
What is Mark trying to tell us about Jesus? - "I am the Judge" - Jesus is the King - he has God's authority Jesus is tested by the Jews. Jesus answers with great wisdom. Jesus has authority over all. The greatest commandments.
31m | July 27, 2014
Tim Hodge
The first half of Mark is all about the identity of Jesus the King. From chapter 9, it?s about the cross. The King?s Cross. Everything Jesus does leads to the cross. He came to serve through sacrifice and calls those who follow him to also live a life of service and sacrifice ? not to prove ourselves to him but out of gratitude for his greater service and sacrifice.
26m | June 1, 2014
Tim Hodge
Who do you see? Do you see Jesus as King? Or do you see Jesus like the Pharisees in v11-13 saw him? Tim takes us through this passage with the challenge for all to recognise Jesus for who He is.
32m | June 1, 2014
Tim Hodge
Jesus as a king who serves? What sort of Christ is this? What sort of Christian should the followers of Jesus be? Mark 8 has some tough words to hear ? both in terms of the sort of Christ Jesus is and the sort of Christian Jesus would have us be.
34m | May 11, 2014
Tim Hodge
Tim takes us through Mark 7, where we see that Jesus is the one who purifies and who gives a new heart where traditions are unable to clear our stain of sin before God.
36m | April 9, 2014
Jeff McCormick
Jesus is in control over weather Jesus is in control over demons Jesus is in control over sickness Jesus is in control over death Jesus is God himself
20m | March 30, 2014
Tim Hodge
Tim continues in our series on Mark, ?The Promised King? by taking us through Mark 4:1-34 where we see that the Kingdom of Jesus is hidden to the many and revealed to the few. Jesus is the one who reveals his kingdom, to his disciples, and to those today who hear Jesus and respond in repentance and faith.
27m | March 23, 2014
Kim Peters
Why did Jesus do and say what he did?