A collection of eight sermons by people within the Baptist Union of New Zealand, including four from our Carey Baptist College.
14m | December 8, 2022
Tim Hart
Matthew 13:31-33. Do we have eyes to see the small, yet significant things that God is doing? Tim Hart is pastor at Māngere Bridge Baptist Church. 1-page PDF with discussion questions included.
25m | December 7, 2022
Phil Halstead
Psalm 90. This sermon explores the life-giving biblical theme of being cognisant of the fragility of life. Phil Halstead is Lecturer: Pastoral Care at Carey Baptist College. 1-page PDF with discussion questions included.
15m | December 6, 2022
Nicola Mountfort Griffiths
Romans 10: 13-15; Luke 7:36-50. Nicola reflects on the beautiful feet of Jesus, and the beauty of the feet of those who have shared the gospel with each of us. Then we consider the beauty of our own feet, as we reach out to others with the love of Jesus. Nicola Mountfort Griffiths is Field Education and Internships Lead at Carey Baptist College, and Interim Associate Pastor, Eastview Baptist Church, Auckland. 1-page PDF with discussion questions included.
16m | December 5, 2022
Myk Habets
Luke 11:1-2 (Matt 6:9). The two words with which the Lord’s Prayer begins contain the sum of the Gospel. If we can hear afresh the staggering grace contained in those two words, we will better grasp the beauty and scope of God’s grace and our place in God’s heart and plan. God is our Father, but in a special and profound sense, made possible by Jesus and the Spirit. Myk Habets is Associate Pastor at Albany Baptist Church and Head of Theology at Laidlaw College. 1-page PDF with discussion questions included.
22m | December 4, 2022
Michael Rhodes
Isaiah 52:7; 2 Kings 6:8-23. Gospel—as Christians, it’s one of our most treasured words. But what do we mean by it? We know it means “good news,” but good news about what? Hearing the good news of the gospel in the Old Testament can help us hear again and afresh the good news of the gospel of Jesus. Michael Rhodes is Lecturer: Old Testament at Carey Baptist College. 1-page PDF with discussion questions included.
16m | December 3, 2022
Jennifer Macleod
John 13:31-35. In washing his disciples’ feet, Jesus gave them a picture of his forgiveness of them. Then he gave them a new commandment: to love one another as he had loved them. If you hang around churches for very long, you will get hurt – not to mention that the last few years have been tough. We need to love and forgive each other, because Jesus loves his church. Jennifer Macleod is a chaplain, and is part of Dunedin City Baptist Church. 1-page PDF with discussion questions included.
15m | December 2, 2022
Grace Paddison
1 Kings 3:5-14. There can be no justice without wisdom. Grace Paddison is a 2022 Carey Baptist College Youth Pastoral Leadership graduate and is at Titirangi Baptist Church. 1-page PDF with discussion questions included.1-page PDF with discussion questions included.1-page PDF with discussion questions included.
18m | December 1, 2022
Christa McKirland
Hebrews 4:14-16, 7:23-25, 9:11, 10:19-23. Jesus is both our high priest and perfect sacrifice who intercedes for us in the heavenly realms. By taking a closer look at the letter to the Hebrews, we will walk through the sacrificial system as it relates to Jesus' ongoing work on our behalf. In the process, we will discover that our prayers never simply hit the ceiling. Christa McKirland is Lecturer: Systematic Theology at Carey Baptist College. 1-page PDF with discussion questions included.