The Baptist Women’s Mini Summit is coming up! Join online on 14 October, 7:30 – 9:00 pm.
This event was first held last year, and we had Baptist women gathered from Kaitaia to Invercargill! Some were in their own homes while some were in church groups, but there was a great sense of nationwide togetherness. And the feedback was incredibly positive!
It was an easy resource for women to tap into together—learning and discussion around current and important issues for women who love Jesus.
So many women were encouraged, provoked and able to work together for God’s good change.
Let’s gather together once again and support each other as we grow in some pretty important issues for women taught by some pretty amazing women!
In this video, Emma Wells, Youth Pastor at Whakatāne Baptist Church, gives us the low-down on what the Women's Summit is all about.
DAPHNE MARSDEN leads the Project Esther Charitable Trust and will share learnings from her Master’s thesis and book about The Journey for Christian Women Experiencing Domestic Violence and the Use of Scripture. Hear more from Daphne in this video.
CHRISTA MCKIRLAND is a systematic theologian teaching at Carey Baptist College and Executive Director of Logia International. This organisation seeks to encourage and equip women through postgraduate study in the theological disciplines. Her TED Talk is unpacking what the Bible says about women in ministry - Unburied Talents: Why God is For Women in Ministry. Hear more from Christa in this video.
RACHEL RENATA has whakapapa to Ngā Puhi, Japan and Ngāti Pākehā. She has had revelation on God’s heart for the Body of Christ, particularly from a te ao Māori perspective, overlapping with the word of God.
RSVP to Heather Ameye-Bevers at [email protected] for the online link.
We look forward to being together and continuing to network in support of one another.