Update 21 October 2024
A final update from the Governance and Constitution Review Committee ahead of Baptist National Hui 6-9 November. The document below has a password that was emailed to all Baptist churches on 1 October, and in the October Support Crew email (the same password as previous documents) –
- Governance and constitutional review: An update relating to “Clause 36”.pdf (7-page document)
An introductory page by committee chair, Peter Crow, leading into a 6- page report following an independent review of Clause 36.
Update 1 October 2024
The Governance and Constitution Review group met on 30 September 2024, and now have three further documents relating to the proposed constitutional changes. The documents are as follows and have a password that was emailed to all Baptist churches on 1 October, and in the October Support Crew email – please share these documents within your local church contexts ready for your Hui delegates to represent the views of your church next month:
- Governance and Constitution review – proposal to amend Constitution at Hui 2024.pdf (10-page document)
An explanation document by Peter Crow on behalf of the Governance and Constitution Review Committee of the proposed changes to be voted on at Hui 2024. This document includes a summary on the process so far, as well as an analysis on a clause-by-clause basis of the proposed changes. - Compare Report – old and new Constitution documents Notified 5 August 2024.pdf (12-page document)
A line by line comparison document showing in the constitution how the changes appear, and noting everything that has been amended, changed, added. - Summary of feedback to the Constitution Review discussion document.pdf (2-page document)
A summary of all the verbal and written feedback from Regional hui, Hui-a-Māori and written submissions on proposed constitutional changes.
Look out for a podcast episode on ‘The Lowdown – National Hui 2024’ in mid-October where the Chair of Assembly Council will discuss further the proposed changes for Hui 2024, including discussion around the new clause 36.
Thank you for engaging with this significant process.
– – – – – – – – – – – The text below was published 7 May 2024 – – – – – – – – – – – –
Leading up to and during our National Hui last November, one of the four ‘Big Bites’ on the table for discussion was: A new way of making decisions together. The purpose of this work is to consider the structural foundations for the way we interact and make decisions together as a movement of Baptist churches.
You can read the pre-Hui reading material here:
A new way of making decisions together by Peter Crow, 19 October 2023.
The mandate
At the National Hui, there was overwhelming support from the Assembly of delegates representing the churches, for the Constitution Review Committee to continue their work, bringing it to a first consultation phase in 2024 – which is happening May-July.
Work that has been done
The Constitution Review Committee has worked diligently since the 2023 National Hui to consider how we might best make decisions together as a movement of churches, considering these five major issues:
- Consideration of how our Treaty Affirmation Statements shape the new constitution
- Composition of the Assembly Council
- Role of the Regional Associations
- Asset Management
- Dealing with struggling churches
The Committee has heard initial feedback from various sources (including the 2023 National Hui ‘Big Bite‘ discussions, discussions at Constitution Review Committee meetings, and informal discussions with Baptist leaders), this has been considered, and the provisions in the current Constitution have been reviewed.
Several options to improve decision making within the Baptist movement have been identified, and these are presented in the document: Governance and Constitution Review Discussion Paper. This is available online here. This document is password protected – all church pastors and administrators have been given this password – people in local churches are welcome to ask their pastors or administrators for this password.
This document has been engaged with by our Assembly Council. A three-month consultation will happen May-July, and will involve:
- Facilitated discussion based on the Governance and Constitution Review Discussion Paper, at Regional Hui May-July 2024, Hui ā Māori in July 2024, and National Hui in November 2024, as well as some regional pastor cluster groups over the next few months.
- Opportunity for individual or group written submissions.
The Committee will receive and review feedback from consultation meetings and amend the Governance and Constitution Review document for further discussion at National Hui in November 2024. Specific amendments to the current Constitution that are more administrative in nature, will also be written up, covering those matters for which the Movement seems to be in reasonable agreement. The Committee intends to present these proposed changes to the National Hui 2024 (by way of a formal resolution), for further discussion and a decision.
The National Hui is 7-9 November 2024 at Rangiora Baptist Church, North Canterbury.
Governance and Constitution Review documentation
The main document is the 7-page Governance and Constitution Review Discussion Paper – church pastors and administrators have been provided the password for this document. Please access this documents to participate fully in the consultation process – please read this document before engaging in the public processes listed below.
Three further documents useful in this consultation:
- Constitution and Rules of the Baptist Union of New Zealand (amended November 2023)
- The Baptist Union of Incorporation Act 1923
- The Baptist Union Treaty Affirmation Statements (amended 2018)
Ways to engage in this process
Regional Hui and Te Hui ā Motu
All mid-year Regional Baptist Association hui for church leaders will have programmed time to engage with this consultation process:
- Otago & Southland Baptist Association Regional Hui: 23-25 May
- Lower North Island Baptist Association Regional Hui: 13-15 June
- Waikato & Bay of Plenty Baptist Association Regional Hui: 19-20 June
- Upper South Baptist Association Regional Hui: 23-25 June
- Te Hui ā Motu at Te whetū o te Rangi Marae, Tauranga: 12-14 July
- Northern Baptist Association Regional Hui: 25-27 July
Pastors/leaders clusters
Various regular cluster meetings around the country will be dedicated to this consultation process – cluster and/or Regional Leaders will provide details on this.
Written submission/feedback
Please write to the Operations and Finance Director at the Baptist National Support Centre – these can be individual or group submissions: [email protected]
Discussion questions
With reference to the Governance and Constitution Review Discussion Document mentioned above:
As a Union of churches, should we be covenanting with each other relationally to enable the strengthening of our movement?
How important do you think it is to have a representative Assembly Council?
Are you clear on what the Assembly Council role is?
Do you like the balance of 6 elected Assembly Council members, and up to 4 appointees?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How will the consultation process and feedback impact the Constitution Review?
The Committee will receive and review feedback from consultation meetings and amend the Governance and Constitution Review document for further discussion at National Hui in November 2024.
I wasn’t at the 2023 National Hui and this is the first I have heard of this, how can I get up to speed?
Reading these articles will help you get up to speed:
A new way of making decisions together by Peter Crow, 19 October 2023.
A Baptist way of making decisions together by John Tucker, 18 October 2023. -
How can I get the password to open the discussion document?
Unfortunately our Intranet broke on 8 May, so we decided to get this document out with a password. We notified church pastors and administrators about the password via email on 9 May – we invite and encourage anyone in New Zealand Baptist churches to engage with this consultation process – please ask your pastor or administrator for the document password.
I’m a Baptist church pastor, elder/board-member or administrator, how can I help get the people in my church involved if they’re interested?
Please mention this in your church newsletters and notices – share the link to this webpage: baptist.nz/governance-and-constitution-review
Perhaps you could set up a time when interested people could gather to talk about it, and then you could feed this back at one of the Hui or in writing. We’re thankful for any way you can support this.
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