Lead Pastor

Levin Baptist Church

Date Added


About this role


At Levin Baptist Church we desire to see people live life to the full following Jesus.

This happens as people hear the gospel, respond with repentance and faith, and then grow to maturity as disciples of Jesus. When this happens God is glorified because the world sees that Jesus satisfies our thirst with the living water that only He can supply!

The lead pastor serves the church as we seek to fulfil that vision and live out our values. As pastor you will be on the eldership team. You will work with the elders to promote the spiritual health and maturity of the flock. You love God and you love His people

We are looking for a lead pastor to come and serve the with us in Levin. If you believe it could be you, please contact our office for the lead pastor job description or to find out more about our church.

Email: Colleen Reader [email protected]